Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in Automation Co-Pilot for the v.27 release.

What's new

Smart embedded forms and dynamic data mapping for embedded widgets

You can now design your forms using a responsive and real-time canvas that can automatically adjust to the desired form size. This enables a faster way for you to create an embedded interface for use in any web application. You can also use these forms in your business applications to securely retrieve data when embedded as an iFrame widget.

To save time and eliminate data re-entry, you can use the postMessage API to map and pre-populate data from business applications in embedded widgets. Dynamic data mapping provides a safe and secure communication from your business (host) applications to the initial process forms in the widget.

Smart embedded forms and dynamic data mapping

Build forms easily by dragging elements to form builder

You can now build your forms by just dragging your elements to a blank form builder. As you add elements to the form builder, it automatically adjusts without your input, letting you focus on the form-building experience. You can also re-size the columns of your elements.

Create a form

Map data in host web applications for Automation Co-Pilot (integrations)

You can now map your host applications data to your Automation Co-Pilot forms so that when you create a request, the initial form field will be automatically populated with the mapped data.

Map data from HTML to form

URL parameters support for iFrame widget

You can use URL parameters to pass data types (date, time, number, and text box) through query parameters for your initial forms in the iFrame widget. Because the iFrame URL allows you to modify the URL to add data types, you can now directly populate data from a host application for form elements without having to keep re-entering the data.

Deploy automations in web application | Construct URL parameters for supported elements

Virtual window support for iFrame widget

You can now run your bots in a virtual window (picture-in-picture view) for Automation Co-Pilot using embedded widget. With this option, you can run an attended bot in a small virtual window on your screen (instead of another desktop page or application) simultaneously while you complete tasks on the same page without obstructing your automation experience.

Deploy automations in web application | Configure a bot

Select tags in widget setup

When you configure your widget in the Integrations page, the Filter automations option allows for you to select existing tags that can be added to your widget. You can now reference tags with the corresponding widgets in the widgets tab for easier reference in the tags column.

Setup iFrame widget using Automation Co-Pilot

View status and run time details in automation list

You can now view the status and run time of your bots and processes in the automation list. The status and run time are based on your bots and processes last activities. You can quickly review whether a bot was completed in x amount of days or time ago, or shows no activity at all.

Deploy automations in web application

Automation Co-Pilot shortcut link

You can now access Automation Co-Pilot directly from your Automation 360 home page. The Automation Co-Pilot link in the Quick links section in the homepage is a shortcut that redirects you to the Automation Co-Pilot portal. This is an easier way for you to access Automation Co-Pilot if you forget how to access it or need to modify the URL to access Automation Co-Pilot.

Deploy processes

New actions in the Process Composer

In the Process Composer, you can now use a set of actions when you build out your process. For example, you can double-click a task, such as Bot Task and Human Task, and the task will be updated in your process flow automatically. With this, you can save time because you do not need to task specific tasks to your process. In addition, you can now copy, cut, and paste using CTRL + C, CTRL + X and CTRL + V, respectively to retain, reuse, or replace data.

Supported behaviors for tasks and elements in Process Composer | Create a process automation in Process Composer

Use a reference ID meta type in Process Composer

You can now use a reference ID with a Meta variable type for your variables in the Process Composer. When you set a reference ID as a meta variable type, you can now use your reference ID data when you run your tasks in the web interface. This simplifies your references because you only need to rely on using the reference ID instead of relying on other variable types or references.

Create a process automation in Process Composer

Center your forms in preview

You can now preview your forms in the new preview window and get an accurate assessment on how your form will look when it is rendered. You can select the Make form preview centered option to enable the preview window. You can also set the appropriate display resolution, x and y coordinates, and even center your form.

Create a form

Upload images directly to the form composer
You can now upload images directly to the form composer by using the Image element. This saves you time to view the images in the form without a file reference, rather than in the initial step, where the image requires a file reference to be viewed.
Note: Image files are limited to 150 kb (like a logo).

Using the Image element

Change label action for Button element

The change label action in the form rules now applies to the Button element. When you use the change label action in form rules and apply it to the buttons in your form, the changes will be automatically applied to the buttons where you set the rules. This keeps the flow consistent with the elements that you are using because all the buttons inherit the same rule.

Conditional actions, rules, and elements

Rules editor for Table element

The rules editor is now applicable to the Table element. When you use the rules editor for your tables, the rules conditions are applied for each individual columns while any actions that you set are applied for each row in the row level. This makes things consistent for each new or existing row that you use because all the rows inherit the same rule.

Conditional actions, rules, and elements

What's changed

Build 16701: This build includes the following enhancement:
Enhanced automation experience in Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant

We have improved the automation experience for your automation activities in Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant.

  • You must have the Manage my activity permission as a prerequisite to use the bot controls.
  • When you run your automation, the bot, its progress page, controls for pause, start (resume), and stop, are all unified inside Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant. Previously, there was a separate window for the bot run and its controls. (This will still be seen in this version but will be hidden in future releases.)
  • You can view the status of your bot progress and its details, and is reflected on the activity page.
  • You can view and manage pending automation that have been initiated and users can navigate between bot list view and progress view. If you have multiple Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant instances or disconnect and then reconnect to a different instance, the pending automation will be visible from the progress page for you to control.

Service Cloud case ID: 01793119, 1815462

Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant automation activities

Build 16667: This build includes the following enhancements:
Define tags in process configuration

When you edit a process, you can use the Tags field to search and specify tags based on keywords, to define your process. You can add tags from new or existing tags and use them to reference specific tags related to your process.

Configure a process


Build 16701: This build includes the following fixes (along with fixes from the previous builds):
In Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant, you can continue your pending automation in different Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant instances. Automations are no longer stuck, and you can run bots as usual.

Service Cloud case ID: 01829572

Note: This fix was first included with Build 16694 for Cloud Sandbox and Community Edition. Build 16701 now includes this fix for Cloud, Cloud Sandbox, and Community Edition.
Build 16685: This build includes the following fixes (along with fixes from the previous builds):
When bots have a file dependency or an interactive form that includes any multibyte character in its name, the bots run as expected. Previously, having the multibyte character in a form name caused an error.

Service Cloud case ID: 01947340

Build 16667: This build includes the following fixes:
You can now view signatures when you preview files using the Automation Co-Pilot document viewer. Previously, signatures could be viewed only when files were opened in a separate tab.

Service Cloud case ID: 01879533

Bots are no longer triggered when you modify a file in an authenticated network. Previously, bots would trigger when you modified a bot in a network that required authentication.

Service Cloud case ID: 01256344, 01756709, 01854164, 01888188

The resiliency of the Create > Request action has improved in the Process package.

Service Cloud case ID: 01886231

You can add, delete, and change values to the column cells when you create forms using the Column Filter function. Previously, an error altered the accuracy of this operation by sometimes changing rows or filtering newly edited values.

Service Cloud case ID: 01854490, 01941416

When scrolling past 100 task bots in Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant page, fresh bots now load to successfully complete the list of bots not yet displayed.

Service Cloud case ID: 01804139, 01845208, 01881927

You can select Reference ID as a Meta variable type from the Variable drop-down list.

Service Cloud case ID: 01861551

When you enter data in a password field in the initial form, the password field retains your data after you submit the form without requiring you to re-enter the data.

Service Cloud case ID: 01846222

When you use a file element to select multiple files, the file element functions properly without having to reset the form.

Service Cloud case ID: 01840888

Buttons in forms work as expected. Previously, some users encountered an exception error and were unable to click Confirm to submit their form.

Service Cloud case ID: 01846856

When you run a bot in Automation Co-Pilot, you can edit the auto-populated fields after you select an option from the drop-down menu.

Service Cloud case ID: 01853623

When you use a number element and enable the Use comma to separate thousands format option, the bot will run without issues. Previously, some users encountered an exception error.

Service Cloud case ID: 01869566

When you use the File modified trigger option to modify the contents or files, the trigger works properly.

Service Cloud case ID: 01812596

When you use a document element in your form to upload PDF files, the PDF files that are uploaded renders the contents properly.

Service Cloud case ID: 01802898, 01833266

Known Limitations

Image files uploaded to forms for access in the Process Composer are limited to 150 kb.

Example: Use Select File to upload or download a file for web

Service Cloud case ID 01922815

Updates to the interface

Automation Co-Pilot

The form builder now automatically adjusts the size for each form element you drag into the canvas. The sizes can also be manually adjusted.

Form elements in various sizes in the form builder

Build forms easily by dragging elements to form builder

The Tags field in the Edit Process page now has a drop-down menu for you to create new or select from existing tags.

Select tags in the Tags field for the Edit Process page

Define tags in process configuration

The Filter automations field in the Add Widget page has a drop-down menu for you to select existing tags.

Select an existing tag in the Filtered automations field.

Select tags in widget setup