Use Automation 360 to create dictionary type variables using different dictionary subtypes and key value type parameters.


  • Ensure you have access to the Control Room.
  • You must have credentials with AAE_Basic permissions.
  • Your workstation must be a registered device in the Control Room.


  1. Log in to the Control Room.
  2. On the left pane, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  3. Click the Create a bot icon.
  4. In the Name field, enter DictionaryMapping, and click Create & Edit.
  5. From the Bot editor, click Variables > Create variable (+ icon) at the top of the Variables menu to create four new custom dictionary variables:
    Variable type Subtype Variable name Default value
    Dictionary String Dictionary1 Key: Company name

    Value: Acme publication

    Dictionary String Dictionary2

    Key: Company Registration number

    Value: ASPER21365NML
    Dictionary Number Dictionary3

    Key: Total employees

    Value: 3000
    Dictionary Any Dictionary4
    • Type: String
      • Key: Employee name
      • Value: Bob Jones
    • Type: Datetime
      • Key: Date of Joining
      • Value: 9/20/2023
    • Type: Boolean
      • Key: Employment type- Contractor
      • Value: True
    • Type: Number
      • Key: Phone number
      • Value: 77777777777
  6. In the Actions pane, find Message box. In Enter the message to display, enter F2, and select the following variables:
    • $Dictionary1{"Company name"}$
    • $Dictionary2{"Company Registration number"}$
    • $Dictionary4{"Employment type - Contractor"}$
    • $Dictionary4{"Employee name"}$
    • $Dictionary4{"Date of Joining"}$
    • $Dictionary4{"Phone number"}$
  7. Save and run the DictionaryMapping Task Bot.
    The output is displayed as:

    Using dictionary variable