Create a user and assign their specific license based role.


Ensure that you are logged in to the Control Room as the administrator.

Create or otherwise edit the user information to assign the licensed role for accessing repositories, packages, and bot building tools and functionality.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Users.
  2. Click Create user.
  3. Enter the required general details as follows:
    Enable User Select for the user to be activated and log in immediately.
    Note: If this option is not selected, user will be in the inactive state and cannot log in.
    Username Enter a unique user name.
    Description Enter a description for the user.
    First name Enter the first name for the user.
    Note: The number of characters allowed in the First name field is 50.
    Last name Enter the last name for the user.
    Note: The number of characters allowed in the Last name field is 50.
    Password Enter and confirm a password for the user. Ensure that the password follows all the necessary password policies.
    Email Enter and confirm the email address for the user.

    If SMTP is enabled, an email is sent to this address to confirm the account. All important Control Room notifications are sent to this email address.

    Note: Alert message with a link for account activation and for password reset, sent to the user, has a 24 hour validity period.
  4. Select the required role from the list of Available roles.
  5. Click the right arrow () to add your selection.
  6. Select Allow to allow multiple sessions.
    You must be Control Room administrator to set a user as a multi-login service user. It is possible to set a user as a multi-login user either in the UI or API, however a user may only access multiple sessions through the API.
  7. Assign the device Bot Creator license to the user.
    The Bot Creator license enables user to create and run bots. Auto login is enabled by default.
    Note: When you logged in as administrator, you cannot allocate any device license to the user and None option is selected by default.
    None The user can access the Control Room only.
    Bot Creator- Development license Enables user to create and run bots. Auto login is enabled by default.
    Unattended Bot Runner - Run-time license Users with this license can perform all automation tasks that attended users can perform. Additionally, this license can also be used for Control Room deployment, centralized scheduling, and API-based deployment.
    Attended Bot Runner - Run-time license Users with this license can run bots on their devices and use any event trigger associated with their user account or role. However, these users cannot schedule bots.
    Citizen Developer - Development license Users with this license can create and run bots (including bots with triggers) on their devices.
    After you select a device license, the Device login credentials are enabled. If you have the Attest device credentials permission, you can choose to attest the device credentials for this user to bypass credential validation when you deploy bots. The Bot Runner user should have an unlocked and active user session.
    Note: This works only if the auto login setting Reuse an existing session is selected in the Control Room by the administrator.
  8. Click Create user.

Next steps

Update the Bot Creator packages and grant permissions to this user to build, test, and run bots. For more information, see