The notifications repository provides simplified information that users can track for possible risks, warnings, and success statistics of various Automation 360 events.

When you enable required event categories, you receive notifications through the notifications repository. New notifications display with the (new-notification) icon.

To start working with notifications, set preferences for the following event categories and notification channels:

Event categories

Events are at the core of the monitoring framework. Users must be able to monitor event continuously, and receive constant notifications. Automation 360 provides notifications for the following events:
The following example shows an export bot event notification:
Image of bot export event notification

Notification channels

Notifications are sent through integrated channels used to organize and manage the notifications. Automation 360 send notifications through the following channels:
Notifications panel
This is the default notification channel. The notifications panel provides a summarized view of all event notifications. It is a list of all the events across the Control Room. For more information, see Notification summary and details.
Note: The maximum number of days these notifications are retained in the Control Room are:
  • Attention needed type of notifications: 4 days
  • Other type of notifications: 2 days
Email notifications
These notifications generate emails only to those users who have opted for the same. For more information about how to opt-in for email notification, see Enable or disable event categories. There are two types of email notifications:
  • Instant notifications: Instant email notification is sent to the email address that is registered in the Control Room.

    The following sample shows an email sent for an instant notification: Email notification

  • Email report: Email report notification is sent to a user's registered email address twice a day at a fixed time.

    The following sample shows an email report: Email report

If the event notification is set to All notifications, the email report is updated to contain the following details:
  • If there is only one notification, then the email will have the following format:
    • Subject: You have a new notification report
    • Summary report: Contains various details of the event such as date range, number of events that require attention, and total number of notifications.
    • Information details: Contains the details such as time stamp of the event, message details with the corresponding links and impacted component (Automation/platform/process).
  • If there are multiple notifications, then the email will have the following format:
    • Subject: Attention Needed: You have a new notification report
    • Summary Report: Contains the date range
    • Attention needed: Contains the count for the number of events that require attention. Additionally, time stamp of the events, message details with the corresponding links and impacted component (Automation/platform/process) are also included in the report.
If the event notification is set to Attention needed, the email report is updated to contain the following details:
  • If there is only one notification, then the email will have the following format:
    • Subject: Attention Needed: <subject>
    • Type: Attention needed
    • Details: Will contain the details such as time stamp of the event, impacted component (Automation/platform/process), and message details.
  • If there are multiple notifications, then the email will have the following format:
    • Subject: Attention Needed: You have a new notification report
    • Summary Report: Will contain the date range
    • Attention needed: Will contain the count for the number of events that require attention. Additionally, time stamp of the events, message details with the corresponding links and impacted component (Automation/platform/process) are also included in the report.
Note: Notifications that are sent as Instant notifications are not included in the Email report. Based on the event type, notifications are sent either as Instant notifications, or Email report. You cannot configure these notifications.
Note: An email report is sent on a daily basis at a regular interval of 8 hours, which contains all the latest notifications that were sent during those 8 hours.

Notification summary and details

After you enable the required event category, corresponding event notifications are sent through the Notifications repository. The notification summary displays an event description with the call-to-action (CTA) link (if applicable) in the description. The notification summary provides information about the event such as successful or unsuccessful execution of bot, license or user related events, and on. The CTA link in notification summary redirects you to the appropriate page or wizard, thus increasing the notification's effectiveness.

  • The notification summary varies based on the event type.
  • If a notification have additional details associated with it, you can expand the notification summary by using the expand icon in the top-right corner of the notification.
The following images are sample event notifications for a bot execution events:
  • Event notification for a successful bot execution:

    Event notifications when notification filter is disabled
  • Event notification for an unsuccessful bot execution:

    Attention needed

The notification message contains a link that redirects the user to the Historical tab. The historical activity contains the details of the possible cause for the failed execution of the respective Task Bot, API Task, or Process.
Note: The link to the historical activity is only available for automations that failed to execute or complete.