User configurations for an approval task
- Updated: 2024/02/28
For appropriate users to run, approve, and contribute to an approval task, it is important to use the labels recognized by the Process Composer.
In the
, configurations for users are recognized as assigned, requested, and contributors of the task during run time for multiple-user collaboration.The following table can be used to configure and assist decisions when routing the approval to roles and teams. The User column displays the label recognized in the process configuration. The Details column describes the parameters for that configuration.
- User who requests a task (Task requestor).
- User who assigns a task (Task assigner).
- User who is assigned to a task (Task assignee).
- User who contributes to a task (Task contributor).
User | Details |
Request Creator | When the request is created using the interface (Automation Co-Pilot) the
user who created the request.
When request is created by other means (API, Create
Request command, CoE approval use case, etc.)
Request Assigned Group | The role or team where the request is created.
Example: Request POC-2 from Process (POC) created under Team 202.
Task Assigner |
The role or team that needs to respond to the task (Received). Example: Form Task from a request is assigned to Role 301.
Task Requester | The role, team or user (request creator) that requests the
task to response (Sent). Example: Form Task from a request is requested by Team 403.
Contributor |
Users who contributed (or are contributing) to the Task.
Visibility and actions of an Approval task
Any user who is part of the Responder Group can see the task as it progresses through the sequence.
Tasks, other than the current Approval Task, are not visible to the Responder Group.
Comments history
Displays a history of the Approval or Reject comments
Submits the task with an Approve status
Adds a comment when submitting an approval
Submits the task with a Reject status
Adds a comment when submitting a rejection notice
In cases where users want to notify someone of a specific task, the task reference ID can be found in the URL of an active task.