Review what's new and changed in Automation Co-Pilot for the v.31 release.

What's new

Select a user group in a Process task in Process Composer

As a Bot Creator or Citizen Developer, you can assign a user group based on role or team when creating a new Process task in Process Composer. If you do not designate a user group, the default user group will be used in the Process task.

Add Process Task to a process automation

Move a process automation between folders in Process Composer

As a Bot Creator or Citizen Developer, you can move a new process automation from one folder to another within a private workspace.

Move a process automation between folders

Assign custom roles with more granular permissions in Process Composer and Automation Co-Pilot

As an administrator, you can create custom roles with greater granular permissions to adhere to your organization's security directives and align with principles or least privileges. You are no longer required to use the system-defined roles provided by applications. You can create roles and assign permissions related to tasks, requests, and processes.

Process Composer roles and permissions

Administrators can also customize roles to more specific functionality in Automation Co-Pilot (for example, Teams, extensions, and bots).

Feature permissions for a role

All privileges granted to existing user-created roles persist, as expected. The new permission model continues to be based on product behavior. Permission options are simply offered across a broader scope to include product developments since the previous model.

Enable option to automatically handle unexpected system-level pop-ups

For bots configured through Automation Co-Pilot for the web, you can enable or disable the Ignore unexpected pop-ups check box from the Control Room so bots can complete without interruptions. If enabled at the Control Room level, users can then select or deselect this option at each automation level. When enabled, the system will prevent any system pop-ups or pop-ups from other applications from blocking the current active window for all users of Automation Co-Pilot executing that bot.

Configure pop-up handling

Automation Co-Pilot displays message for when a new window has been opened

When a user clicks to open a new window in Automation Co-Pilot, the new window opens showing the task and the following alert displays within the original embedded page:

Co-Pilot window alert

When the user clicks Ok, the user is returned to Automation Co-Pilot within the embedded window and the new browser window is closed.

What's changed

Improved image file upload

The experience has been improved for selecting and uploading a file to the image element when creating a form. Now the thumbnail of the image element is interactive, and users can click to open the file finder for selection or simply drag the file into the image element on the canvas. This improvement is in addition to the existing method of selecting files in the configuration panel.

Favorite automations are now persisted on the server side

Within Automation Co-Pilot (both Embedded and Assistant), automations selected as favorite will persist across browser sessions, to display as a filtered group for quick access when the user selects the Show favorites only check box. When showing favorites, the automation list will default to display only selected favorites until the user clears the Show favorites only check box. Previously, if cache was cleared or the user used a different browser, all favorite selections would need to be made again. Additionally, favorite was previously referred to as pinned.

Show favorites only view is no longer default

When navigating to the automation list page, the Show favorites only check box is unselected and all automations are displayed until the option is selected. Previously, the Show favorites only check box was selected by default, displaying only favorite automations.

Upon selecting a default user group (team or role) for a process in Automation Co-Pilot, that default user group will display with a default label next to the name to identify the group as further process setup is configured.


When the title is the only edit to an existing process, the save button is enabled. Previously, the save button would not enable for this simple edit.

In the Process Composer, element names in a Task, like Form or Bot, will display correctly after the attached process has been imported. Previously, sometimes when nodes were clicked from step to step the element name displayed inaccurately.
Automation Co-Pilot works as expected when clicking an option of a drop-down menu that is blank. Previously, the page would break in this scenario.
Automation Co-Pilot operates as expected when the Control Room is deployed on an Oracle database. Previously, Automation Co-Pilot would display an unknown error when the Control Room was deployed in this scenario. Database requirements
After selecting Open in new window from the embedded widget and submitting a form, the task in the main window updates as expected. Previously after submitting a form in this scenario, the task in the main window would stay in the same initial step.

Service Cloud case ID: 02096785

In Automation Co-Pilot on the document validation page, one status pill displays as expected. Previously, three pills displayed.

When running a bot or process, the Automation Co-Pilot status synchronizes with back-end progress and the page redirects to the list of automations upon completion, as expected. Previously, the status displayed in Automation Co-Pilot intermittently did not synchronize with the back-end progress, causing errors in messaging and task sequence display.

Paths to forms and bots import without error. Previously during the import process, the paths might intermittently break to forms and bots configured in an imported form or bot task.

Service Cloud case ID: 02016727

Automation Co-Pilot displays the list of tasks when selecting Show only tasks assigned to me, as expected. Previously no list was displayed for users with the AAE_Robotic_Interface_Admin role.
The help text has been removed in the dialog box for the field of a new variable in the use as input selection. Previously the help text displayed inaccurately that user-defined variables were accepted.
Editing time values now operates as expected. Previously when running a task and using the backspace key to edit the time value in a form, the PM or AM data switched before continuing to delete values.

When an output variable from a bot is mapped to a Salesforce field through Automation Anywhere for Salesforce, the Salesforce field is updated as expected. Previously in this scenario, the field did not update.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02084252, 02006786, 02096232, 02098281

In Automation Co-Pilot on the web, high volumes of Tasks and Requests are now organized into pages for quick viewing and access to next steps. Users can select the amount displayed per page.

Service Cloud Case ID:: 02099633

Included in build # 20775.

Members of a user-created role that is added to an existing team now have access to processes assigned to the team, as expected. Previously, when members of a user-created role launched a process in this scenario, they could not access proceeding tasks of the process.


Users can experience an error when running a bot within ten minutes of an edit to the scheduler user or device pool, configured to the bot. It is expected behavior for the system to take up to ten minutes to recognize edits made to these configurations.

Workaround: After making changes to the device pool or the scheduler user, select the process in the Manage tab and click Edit > Save for global scheduler. This manual refresh will immediately override the cache with your new changes. Configure scheduler user for Automation Co-Pilot

Service Cloud case ID: 01983535

Disable Chrome storage partitioning for embedded

Users running Automation Co-Pilot through an embedded widget or Chrome extension must disable third-party storage partitioning in Chrome settings. See, Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users FAQ

Service Cloud case ID: 02088676, 02089559

Updates to the interface

The following demonstrates interface changes displaying in v31.

Automation Co-Pilot
Move a process automation to another folder directly from the existing location within the private space. Move a process to another folder

Image of the move process button.

You can assign a user group based on role or team when creating a new Process task. Select user group for process task

Image of the interface to assign user group to a process.

The thumbnail in the canvas of the image element is interactive and can be clicked to open the file finder or receive a file when dropped onto the element in the canvas. Improved image file upload

Image of the interactive image element in the form builder.