As an administrator, you can edit Microsoft SQL database username and password.


To perform the task, you must have a Control Room administrator account with the required rights and permissions.

You must make changes to the running configuration via the command-line interface.


  1. Download crutils.jar from the A-People Downloads page (Login required).
    To get the crutils.jar, go to specific Control Room version > Installation Setup.

    For example, for Automation 360 v.32, go to Automation 360 v.32 > Installation Setup.

  2. Copy the utility jar to Automation 360 installation directory.
    Default location for the installation on Windows is C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Automation360.
  3. Stop all the Control Room services.
  4. Open the command line prompt with Run as administrator.
  5. Run the command cd {path to the installation location}.
    cd C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Automation360
  6. Run the command, jdk11\bin\java --module-path .\lib\ -jar crutils.jar -configPath "C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Automation360\config" -action UPDATE_DB_AUTHENTICATION_CONFIGURATION.
    A list of available options to change the database authentication is displayed.
  7. Type SQL and press Enter.
    You will be prompted to enter the username.
  8. Provide the SQL username which will be used in the Control Room and press Enter.
    You will be prompted to enter the password.
  9. Provide a password for the user and press Enter.
    The password will not be displayed on the console.
  10. Open the file that is located in C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Automation360\config.
  11. Verify your updated database username and password.
    Note: If your password is encrypted, the property of boot.db.password.encrypted must be true.
  12. Restart all the Control Room services.