The default secret ID rotation frequency is one hour. You can set the secret ID rotation frequency to less than an hour in your environment.

If you set the secret ID rotation frequency to less than an hour in your environment, then you must configure the following options:


  1. Set an appropriate frequency for the following key in the file located in the Automation Anywhere configuration directory:

    For example, if you set the secret ID expiry in your environment to 15 minutes, then set the key value to 180000 (3 minutes) or 240000 (4 minutes) so that you provide enough time for the scheduled job to run before the next secret ID rotation begins.

    Note: You need to manually create the file and the key if they do not exist.
  2. Update the new frequency value in the following database entry:
  3. Manually trigger the scheduled job to enable the new frequency by updating the following database entry:
    UPDATE QRTZ_TRIGGERS set NEXT_FIRE_TIME='1683733949000' where TRIGGER_NAME='HashiCorpAppRoleRotateSecretIdJob'
    Note: The NEXT_FIRE_TIME is a time stamp value in milliseconds.