EntryList enables you to accept any number of parameters through the bot designer. The parameter structure is defined in the Automation 360 actions.

Example: EntryList

The following example shows how to create a parameter with the name of village pair.

@CommandPkg(label = "EntryList example", description = "EntryList example", icon = "sample.svg", name = "entryListExample")
public class EntryListExample {
	// UI display for ENTRYLIST 1.1, the linking is done based on the ENTRYLIST title.
	// This should be added as a child of the ENTRYLIST, however it should not be part of options.
	// The EntryList does not need a setter or Inject as the value is provided inside the ENTRYLIST.
	@Idx(index = "1.3", type = TEXT, name = "NAME")
	@Pkg(label = "Name", default_value_type = DataType.STRING)
	private String name;
	//Linked to 1.2 through title.
	@Idx(index = "1.4", type = TEXT, name = "VILLAGE")
	@Pkg(label = "village", default_value_type = STRING)
	private String city;
	public void setParameter(
			// Add the entryList, the values are accepted as a list of values.
			// Provide the column header for the tabular display of accepted entries.
			// In Pkg, provide a unique title.
			// Provide Idx for each option separately, this is needed to
			// have the correct UI type when the entry form is presented.
			// Add only columns to options, you cannot add their definitions.
			@Idx(index = "1", type = ENTRYLIST, options = {
					@Idx.Option(index = "1.1", pkg = @Pkg(title = "NAME", label = "Name")),
					@Idx.Option(index = "1.2", pkg = @Pkg(title = "VILLAGE", label = "village")),
			//Label that is desplayed in the UI
			@Pkg(label = "Provide name value entries")
			//Header of the entry form
			@EntryListLabel(value = "Provide entry")
			//Button label which displays the entry form
			@EntryListAddButtonLabel(value = "Add entry")
			//Unique rule for the column, this value is the column TITLE. 
			@EntryListEntryUnique(value = "NAME")
			//Message to dispaly in the table when no entries are present.
			@EntryListEmptyLabel(value = "No parameters added")
					List<Value> entryList) {


Here is another example of the EntryList, define the values of the EntryList usage.

//Entry list//
@Idx(index = "1", type = ENTRYLIST, options = {
      @Idx.Option(index = "1.1", pkg = @Pkg(title = HEADER_ENABLED, label = "[[HEADER1]]")),
      @Idx.Option(index = "1.2", pkg = @Pkg(title = HEADER_NAME, label = "[[HEADER1]]")),
      @Idx.Option(index = "1.3", pkg = @Pkg(title = HEADER_VALUE, label = "[[HEARER3]]"))
@Pkg(label = "customHeaderslabel")
@EntryListLabel(value = "customHeaderlabel")
@EntryListAddButtonLabel(value = "add.header")
@EntryListEmptyLabel(value = "no.header")
List<Value> customHeaders;