When you try to automate dynamic web applications where the properties of the controls change frequently, the Recorder might fail to automate such applications as the DOMXPath property value changes with every page refresh. To automate such scenarios, enable the Recorder native fallback support.

Recorder native fallback feature generates multiple DOMXPaths while capturing the object which are then stored and validated to ensure if they can be used for the current business application. Once the Generative Recorder verifies that a fallback DOMXPath can uniquely identify the target UI element, it conducts an additional validation step. This involves comparing other properties of the UI element. For instance, if the automated action involves data entry, the Generative Recorder ensures that the automation proceeds only if the fallback DOMXPath corresponds to a data entry input, such as a text box, and not to buttons or labels. The reliable and relevant DOMXPaths are then used for your automations.

To enable the native fallback capability:
  1. From the Bot editor, navigate to Advanced settings > Package settings.

    Navigate to Advanced settings

  2. In the Package settings > Recorder, enable the Use native fallback option.
    Enable the native fallback
    Note: When both Use native fallback and Use Generative AI-based fallback options are selected, the bot first uses the native fallback to execute actions on the captured object. If the bot is unable to detect the control with native fallback support, it will then fallback to generative AI.

    To automatically update DOMXPath values in Debug mode, see Automatically update DOMXpath values in the debug mode.