Using Find broken links action

The Find broken links action finds broken links on a specific page or website, stores the output to a CSV file. Optionally, you can specify encoding for the output data.


Follow these steps to find broken links:

  1. In the Actions palette, double-click or drag the Find broken links action from the Browser package.
  2. In the Page or URL field, enter the URL of the page or website.
  3. In the Scope option, choose either check only this page or check the whole site.
  4. In the Save list to location field, specify the location of the CSV file.
  5. Select the Append to already existing csv file check box if you want to append the data to an existing CSV file.
  6. Select an option from the Encoding list to specify the encoding that you want to apply on the file.
    • ANSI
    • Unicode
    • UTF-8
  7. In the Number of parallel threads field, enter the number of parallel threads you want to run simultaneously.
    Parallel threads means multiple processes running simultaneously to perform the same task which results in faster execution. Higher the number of parallel threads faster the execution of a task execution. For example, if 10 threads complete a task in two minutes, 20 threads compete a task in one minute.
    Note: The maximum value you can provide in the field is 99.
  8. In the Time out field, specify the maximum time the system must wait to receive a response from each URL link.
  9. Click Save.