Review the valid characters that can be used in a variable name.

Language Characters Range

U+0600 - U+0605, U+0620 - U+0669, U+066E - U+06D3

CJK ideographs Common U+4E00 - U+9FEA
Extension A U+3400 - U+4DB5
CJK compatibility ideographs U+F900 - U+FA6D
Chinese Chinese Kanji See CJK ideographs

All alphabetical characters (uppercase and lowercase) are supported. For extended characters ( ά έ ή ί ϊ ΐ ό ύ ϋ ΰ ώ €)

U+0370 - U+0374,

U+0376 - U+0377,

U+037A - U+037D,

U+037F - U+0386,

U+0388 - U+038A,

U+038C, U+038E - U+03A1, U+03A3 - U+03F5,

U+03F7 - U+03FF,

U+1F00 - U+1F15,

U+1F18 - U+1F1D,

U+1F20 - U+1F45,

U+1F48 - U+1F4D,

U+1F50 - U+1F57, U+1F59, U+1F5B, U+1F5D,

U+1F5F - U+1F7D,

U+1F80 - U+1FB4,

U+1FB6 - U+1FBC, U+1FBE,

U+1FC2 - U+1FC4,

U+1FC6 - U+1FCC,

U+1FD0 - U+1FD3,

U+1FD6 - U+1FDB,

U+1FE0 - U+1FEC,

U+1FF2 - U+1FF4,

U+1FF6 - U+1FFC

Japanese Hiragana U+3041 - U+3096,

U+309D, U+309E


full-width and half-width characters

U+30A1 - U+30FA, U+30FC
Kanji See CJK ideographs
Double-byte numbers U+FF10 - U+FF19
Korean Hangul Syllables U+AC00 - U+D7A3
Latin a-z


U+0061 - U+007A

U+0041 - U+005A

Latin extended

(Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, and Swedish)

Latin-1 supplement

U+00C0 - U+00D6,

U+00D8 - U+00F6,

U+00F8 - U+00FF

Latin Extended-A

U+0100 - U+017F

Latin Extended-B

U+0180 - U+024F

Latin Extended-C

U+2C60 - U+2C7F

Currency symbols U+20AC
Numbers 0-9 U+0030 - U+0039
Russian Cyrillic

U+0400 - U+0481,

U+0483 - U+0487,

U+048A - U+04FF

Special characters Hyphen (-) and underscore (_) U+002D, U+005F