Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in Document Automation for the v.34 release.

What's new
New navigation to access learning instances

We have created a new AI section in the navigation menu, which includes Document Automation and other AI-powered products. This streamlined navigation makes it easy to find and access all our AI-enabled offerings.

You can access your learning instances using the new navigation: AI > Document Automation.
New navigation Previous navigation
New navigation to access learning instance Previous navigation to access learning instance
New regions support for generative AI providers
New regions are added for generative AI providers to provide the following benefits:
  • Data residency and compliance: Different countries, regions, and organizations have legal or regulatory requirements that govern how data is stored and processed. Selecting an appropriate region ensures that you comply with such requirements.
  • Latency and performance: Selecting a region closer to you or the users using these services might reduce latency, leading to faster response times and improved performance.
The following additional new regions are available for the generative AI providers:
Microsoft OpenAI Anthropic Claude
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Japan
  • India
  • Australia
  • India

Document Automation settings | Enable generative AI and other external connections to Document Automation

Field-level validation feedback

You now have the option to disable or enable validation feedback for each form and table fields so that users have control over which fields require validation feedback. This option is particularly useful when you need to disable validation feedback for fields that provide desired results without the need for validation feedback or when you need to use alternate solutions such as pre-trained model or generative AI providers to improve data extraction.

Considerations for form and table fields

Support for new languages in Automation Anywhere user-defined provider

You can now process documents in the following languages when using the user-defined document type and Automation Anywhere (user-defined) provider:

  • Afrikaans
  • Estonian
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Romanian
  • Swedish

Languages supported in Document Automation

What's changed
Support for longer regex pattern (Service Cloud Case ID: 01997816)

We have extended the regex pattern limit for the Extract field using pattern option to 250 characters, allowing for more detailed and complex patterns.

Support for longer prompts

We have extended the prompt limit for the Search query for Generative AI model option to 1000 characters, allowing for more detailed and complex requests.

Document Automation - Data extraction using generative AI

Licensing enhancements

We have implemented enhanced tracking for the following licenses to ensure fair usage. After the license is consumed or expired, extraction will fail with the following error: License expired or not available. Obtain the necessary license.

  • Google Document AI for Document Automation
  • Document Automation
  • Standard Forms for Document Automation
  • Document Workspace
  • Document Classifier

After a license is consumed or expired, data extraction will fail until the license is renewed. Therefore, before you reach your license limit, review your usage and consider renewing your licenses.

Understanding licenses in Document Automation

Alert for users when importing existing learning instances

An error is displayed when a user tries to import a learning instance that is already imported by another user from IQ Bot to Document Automation using the IQ Bot - Document Automation Bridge package.

The error message displays the user ID of the user who previously imported the learning instance. You can request the user to publish the learning instance to the public repository so that other users can access the learning instances.

IQ Bot - DA Bridge package

You can now process documents using the Google Vision OCR provider without any error.

Previously, data extraction failed when the Google Vision OCR provider was used without certain licenses.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02169589, 02169909, 02166869, 02168877, 02170956, 02171211, 02171455, 02171434, 02170918, 02171534

You can now copy or import learning instances with validation feedback.

Previously, copying or importing of learning instances failed in certain scenarios.

You can now use the IQ Bot Pre-processor package actions when the Input folder path contains Japanese characters without seeing errors.

Previously, you were seeing an error in such a scenario.

Service Cloud case ID: 02086260

When you update your Control Room to the v.34 release and if the External Connections option was enabled, it will be enabled after the update.

Previously, this option was disabled in such a scenario.

Service Cloud case ID: 02160623

You can now apply multiple field rules and perform multiple replace actions on the same field simultaneously to replace characters in the extracted data, without any issues.

Service Cloud case ID: 02124562

You can now process documents using standard forms successfully when the extraction model is created using one of the supported languages such as Spanish (Colombia).

Service Cloud case ID: 02138931

If you have integrated the Standard forms license with Document Automation, you can now use the Extract data and Download data actions to upload or download documents in .png format without any issues.

Service Cloud case ID: 02119146

You will now be able to use a neural model in Standard Forms to extract data from PDFs that contain tables with empty cells.

Previously, data extraction from some cells were skipped in such a scenario.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02157782

When the Generative AI driven data extraction option is enabled and you select a generative AI provider (OpenAI or Anthropic) while creating a learning instance, you will now be able to select a different provider later. The option to switch to a different generative AI provider will be displayed when editing the learning instance details.

Previously, the option to select a different generative AI provider was not available in such a scenario.

When you use the IQ Bot - DA Bridge package and the Connect Learning Instances from IQ Bot feature simultaneously and if you delete, re-import, or reconnect any learning instance, you will no longer see an incorrect user interface for the learning instance.

Previously, an incorrect user interface was displayed for the learning instance in such a scenario.

You can now use the scroll bar to view all the learning instances while using the Connect Learning Instances from IQ Bot feature in Document Automation.

Previously, you had to use the mouse scroll option to scroll through the learning instances or use the search option to view a specific learning instance.

When you process documents in migrated learning instances that are using validation rules, the documents are now processed correctly without the need for validation when correct values are extracted as per the validation rules.

Previously, in some scenarios, documents were sent for validation though correct values were extracted.

When you update from a previous release to v.34 release and if regex patterns were defined in the regex condition of the Field Rules and Document Rules, the regex patterns will be not be visible after the update. However, the regex patterns will work as they were defined. The same behavior is seen for learning instances created after the update.

Therefore, we recommend that before you update to v.34 release, ensure that you make note of the regex patterns used in the Field Rules and Document Rules in case you need to modify the regex patterns.

When you use the Document Classifier actions (Classify, Classify documents, and Train Classifier) and Extract Data action in the Document Extraction package together in a bot, the bot will fail to execute.

Workaround: Ensure that you create separate bots when using any of the actions from the Document Classifier package and the Extract Data action of the Document Extraction package. If you need to execute these bots in a sequence, include these bots in an Automation Co-Pilot process.

If you have disabled the OCR provider in the administrator settings and if you are using a language other than English for your Control Room, you will see an error to enable the OCR provider settings in English in the following scenarios:
  • When you create a learning instance that is using an OCR provider
  • When you change the OCR provider for an existing learning instance
When you add an effect in the Enhance image action of the IQ Bot Pre-processor package, the name of the effect type is displayed as ENHANCEMENT TYPE.

Workaround: To view the effect type used, either double-click the name or click the three dots icon to expand and click Edit.

Limitations from previous releases
If you copy a learning instance that is using a third-party parser configured in Document Automation and process documents using the copied learning instance, data extraction will fail.
When user processes a document on custom process learning instance, the validate document count is not updated post extraction. Also, if user submits the document, the validate document count is updated with the negative value.
A user with the Automation Co-Pilot administrator permissions is unable to view the Document Automation tasks that are assigned or requested and are in pending or complete status.
If a document contains multiple values similar to the value submitted as the end-of-table indicator during validation (for example, total, subtotal), the system will use the first occurrence of the value as the end-of-table indicator. This value might not always be the value submitted as the end-of-table indicator during validation when you reprocess the document or documents of similar formats.
When you set all the table fields in a learning instance to optional and if any documents processed using this learning instance are sent for validation, the validator will not display an option to add a row for the table fields.

Workaround: Set at least one of the table fields to required or delete the empty row from the table to see the Add row button.

When data is extracted using a generative AI provider, a specific field might return an empty value if the response is requested in JSON format within the search query.

Workaround: Instead of requesting the field to return the query in JSON format within the search query, request the query result to be in a different format, such as an array or text.

For a public process, you might encounter an error message in the following scenarios:
  • After validating all the documents in the validation queue.
  • After processing some documents with same learning instance, if you open the first document and click Refresh.
Note: No error message is displayed for the private process.
When you are using the IQ Bot Pre-processor package actions and if the Output folder path contains Japanese characters, you will see an error when processing documents.

Workaround: Create an output folder in a folder path that does not contain any Japanese characters and provide the path in the output folder path field.

IQ Bot

Data extraction performance is slightly impacted after you update to v.34 release.

Updates to the interface

Document Automation
A new navigation menu is introduced to access learning instances:

New navigation to access learning instances

New navigation to access learning instances

The Document Automation settings page is revamped to include separate sections to enable the different generative AI and extraction providers. New regions are supported for generative AI providers.

Revamped Document Automation settings page that includes new region support for generative AI providers

New regions support for generative AI providers

A new option to enable field-level validation feedback is introduced for form and table fields:

Field-level validation feedback option

Field-level validation feedback