As an RPA platform administrator, you can remove nodes from a Control Room cluster setup to replace or update them for enhanced performance.


Ensure the following:

  • Verify that all the primary nodes and databases have backups.
  • Ensure that you have administrator or root privileges on the Control Room servers.
Note: Starting from Automation 360 v.28 release (Build 17593), the Elasticsearch service is replaced with OpenSearch service as the underlying technology for core product capabilities such as audit, Bot Insight, and so on.

Perform the following steps to remove three nodes (N1, N2, and N3) from a cluster that has six nodes (N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, and N6).


  1. Verify the primary node.
    Use the following OpenSearch API through a browser or API tool to identify the primary node:

  2. Log in to the server as an administrator and stop all the Control Room services by running the following command:
    Log in to one of the original nodes N2 or N3 and not the primary node N1.
  3. Similarly, stop all the Control Room services for the primary node N1.
  4. Before removing the nodes, verify the health of the cluster by using the following OpenSearch API through a browser or API tool:
    From a browser, navigate to the IP address of any node in the cluster by using the OpenSearch port 47599 and use the _cat/nodes API.
    Note: The primary node is indicated by an asterisk character (*).
  5. Edit the file located at C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Automation 360\config.
  6. Remove the IP addresses for the original three nodes from the attribute.
    Note: Perform this action for all the nodes in the cluster. When you remove the IP addresses of the original three nodes, do not change their sequence.
  7. Edit the elasticsearch.yml file at C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Automation 360\elasticsearch\config.
  8. Remove the IP addresses for the original three nodes from the attribute.
    Note: The attribute must contain the IP addresses only for the new nodes and in the same sequence within the file on each node.
  9. To verify the new primary node, use the following OpenSearch API through a browser or API tool:
  10. Update the IP address of the new primary node in the cluster.initial_master_nodes attribute.
  11. Run the following command to start the services on each node:
    You must start the services on the primary node at the end.
  12. To verify the health of the cluster, use the OpenSearch API through a browser or API tool.
    1. From a browser, navigate to the IP address of any node in the cluster by using the OpenSearch port 47599 and use the _cat/nodes API.
      Note: The primary node is indicated by the asterisk character (*).
    2. From a browser, navigate to the IP address of any node in the cluster by using the OpenSearch port 47599 and use the _cat/health?pretty API.
    The replication status turns green when the cluster is fully synchronized. You must wait until the replication status turns green. The replication time varies depending on the amount of data in the clusters.