Using the Automation Co-Pilot interface, you can embed automations into any web application or cloud environment using an intuitive widget or browser extension.

With embedded automations, you can provide users access to data in essential forms, applications, and business history across platforms. With automation only a click away, users no longer need to keep additional applications open on their workspace. Users can quickly reach out to customers or colleagues, and deliver information to improve the customer experience, or promote business continuity and efficiency, respectively. Whenever users need business data, Automation Co-Pilot ensures that it is readily available.

Methods to embed automations with Automation Co-Pilot

You can use either of the following two methods to embed automations with Automation Co-Pilot:

  • Use an iFrame widget for web apps which support customization: You can add an iFrame widget (composed from an HTML inline frame) to the source code of your web application to enable end-users access to automated processes and bots without leaving their familiar environments. You can configure and access the iFrame widget in supported web browsers.
  • Use a Google Chrome extension widget for web apps which do not support customization: You can develop custom bricks that are coded into your browser through an extension and embed our interface as a side panel of the web browser. A Google Chrome extension renders the interface to enable end-users access to automated processes and bots without leaving the web application in the browser. Extensions provide additional adaptability through web page customization. With an OAuth 2.0 connection, existing access to automations in the Automation Workspace is shared with Automation Co-Pilot (extensions) providing a seamless user experience.

Automation Co-Pilot showing two implementation methods

Click the video link for a demonstration of the two available embed methods.

Comparing automation embed methods

Based on your business needs, you should compare the two Automation Co-Pilot methods of embedding automation and decide which is right for your situation. As you explore using Automation Co-Pilot with the embedded widget or with the Google Chrome extension, both methods might seem similar. Both methods provide your environment with an iFrame widget interface powered by Automation Co-Pilot. The iFrame widget hosts automation from Automation Co-Pilot on the web and offers the same power of automating with Automation 360.

However, depending on where you want to embed automation, one method might be better than the other. Before you select an embed method (iFrame widget or Google Chrome extension), review the following prerequisites, technical specifications, and styles of the two methods described in the table:

Getting started with an embed method

Using Automation Co-Pilot, the Co-Pilot Admin has the key role of organizing access points for business users. The Co-Pilot Admin selects configurations from Automation Co-Pilot to the desired application.

  • For Automation Co-Pilot using an embedded iFrame widget, the iFrame widget embeds seamlessly into adjacent content of your web application. The Co-Pilot Admin must first set up and configure the iFrame widget details and then assign automation to teams by adding specific members of a team and defining the team owners and admins. After setup is completed, business users can deploy automation in their web application using the iFrame widget. For more details, click Automation Co-Pilot using embedded widget overview.
  • Automation Co-Pilot using Google Chrome extension has a similar setup process yet differs in how users access the interface. Because the interface is accessed through the Google Chrome browser, a developer must enable web components for the extension.

    The Co-Pilot Admin then completes the setup and configuration of the iFrame widget. Next, a bot creator develops a web component using a Page Editor assisted by a generated iFrame widget embed code. Newly created web components become visible within Automation Co-Pilot using the Google Chrome extension for administrators to assign to teams. Assigned users will then navigate to their web application and access the components, while logged in to their Automation Workspace. For more details, click Automation Co-Pilot using Chrome extension.