Automation Workspace v.29 release
- Updated: 2024/05/27
Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in Automation Workspace for the v.29 release.
For a consolidated list of packages updated in this release, see Packages updated in v.29.
What's new
APIs and integrations |
New delete device API (Service Cloud case ID:
01805692, 01822981) To remove a registered device from your Control Room, use the new DELETE /v1/devices/id API. Before deleting a user, you can use this API to remove the device connected to the user, and then re-connect the device to another user. |
What's changed
The purchase details for
Control Room license is now displayed correctly on the
Licenses page when the Citizen Developer feature is not purchased in the file
license. Previously, purchase details was incorrectly displayed. Service Cloud case ID: 01994512 |
In WLM automation, the queue processing
times retain the metadata during the entire automation
lifecycle. Previously, after the first deployment of the automation, the metadata was lost. Service Cloud case ID: 01995713, 01997546, 01986247, 02004378, 02004171 |
After you update to Automation 360 v.29, the bot check-in no
longer fails when you have cloned bots from other users
and add a new directory for the dependency. Additionally, it shows
accurate folder structure and dependencies for the cloned bots from its public bots. Previously, from the older version of Automation 360 v.29, when you checked in a bot with cloned bots from other users and added a new directory for its dependency, it failed with an error message. Service Cloud case ID: 01991263, 01991795, 01993056, 01993801, 01993825, 01992732, 01993655, 01994102, 01994336, 01993388, 01994525, 01994710, 01994569, 01994217, 01994263, 01994843, 01995026, 01994542, 01994223, 01994971, 01995404, 01995479, 1993255, 01995591, 01994528, 01996025, 01994710. |
You can now run the v1/audit/messages/list API in Control Room swagger successfully. Previously, when the v1/audit/messages/list API was executed in Control Room swagger, the following error message was displayed: Please correct the following validation errors and try again.
propKeyfilterErrorValue must be a string.
PropKeypageerrorValue must be a string.
Service Cloud case ID: 01988096 |
Build 18324: This build includes the following fixes:
You no longer see audit
log entries for the Run bot pre processing
failed event type for users and devices that are not
active in the Control Room. Previously, such entries were displayed in the audit logs. Service Cloud case ID: 01983909 |
For users (excluding the users who are
assigned the AAE_Admin role) who do not have any license assigned to them
(Bot Creator, UnattendedBot Runner,
Attended Bot Runner, or Citizen Developer),
the Audit log page no longer displays unsuccessful
entries related to the Default device set event
for any activity performed by the users on the Control Room. Previously, multiple unsuccessful entries were displayed for such users. Service Cloud case ID: 01969726, 01970583, 01970990, 01971435, 01971171, 01970869, 01971854, 01970915, 01970523, 01971411, 01971788, 01971827, 01971482, 01971736, 01970333, 01972128, 01970497, 01972025, 01971459, 01971561, 01971068, 01972148, 01975216, 01975980, 01977479, 02001122 |
After you update
Automation 360 to v.28, the Control Room no longer shows the Out of Memory error message and blocks the
device connection. Previously, in such cases, you were not able to access the Control Room and bot deployments were stopped when device was disconnected. Service Cloud Case ID: 01976841, 01976847 |
Bot deployments no longer fail or no Control Room slow down issue due to Control Room notifications. Previously, Control Room performance was impacted due to notifications storage leading to bot deployment issues. Service Cloud case ID: 01978739, 01978768, 01978794, 01978812, 01978787, 01978826, 01978840, 01978851, 01978849, 01978816, 01978764, 01978782, 01978124, 01978837, 01978833, 01978820, 01978854, 01978780, 01978859, 01978790, 01978679, 01978831, 01978108, 1979121, 1979174, 1979190, 1979191, 1978957, 1977677, 01977677 |
When you sort the schedules
data on the Scheduled activity page
by the Next occurrence column, the
schedules are sorted correctly. Previously, the schedules on each page were sorted individually instead of sorting all the schedules collectively. As a result, schedules were sorted and displayed incorrectly. Service Cloud case ID: 01936672, 01948336 |
The BotInsight API- Get Task Log Data will retrieve
automation execution information for all automations in public folders,
irrespective of whether they pre-existed in a private folder or not.
Additionally, the API expected an automation name and returned data only
for that automation. Previously, the GetTaskLogData API retrieved information only for the following:
Service Cloud case ID: 01805000, 01965480, 01804312, 01854057, 01861154, 01905063, 01901693, 01932388, 01943438, 01911251, 1946327 |
You can renew and install
licenses using your Control Room GUID
without encountering an error. Previously, an error occurred in such a case. Service Cloud case ID: 01958580 |
After you update Windows Server 12 with Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows patch, the Automation Anywhere Control Room Discovery Bot ML Service no longer fails during Automation 360 installation. |
When you uninstall the Bot Agent, it no longer affects the Enterprise 11
Google Chrome plugin. Previously, in such cases, Google Chrome plugin was uninstalled when you uninstall the Bot Agent. As a result, you had to install the Enterprise 11 Google Chrome plugin again to proceed with Enterprise 11 bot execution. Service Cloud case ID: 01967916 |
An active directory user can
export roles without encountering failure. Previously, such a user was unable to export roles. Service Cloud case ID: 01954961 |
When you create or edit a
locker, you can add multiple roles when updating the Consumers option. Previously, you were unable to add multiple roles. Service Cloud case ID: 01946827 |
You can use the User authentication setting when
enabling SSO authentication without encountering an error. Previously, an error was displayed when you clicked the Edit button for the User authentication settings. Service Cloud case ID: 01946770, 01958619, 01984261, 01977599, 01962097, 01980940, 01964711, 01966644, 01971461 |
On the In progress activity page, the details
page of an activity displays the Last
modified date consistently. Previously, this date was displayed inconsistently. Service Cloud case ID: 01943780 |
In an Oracle Database environment, when you
update from Automation 360 v.26 to
later versions, the new package versions
that are shipped though the installer are now enabled and set as the
default version. Previously, you must have enabled each updated or new package manually and set it as default version. |
automations cannot be paused from any of the options on the
Activity page (row or table level). This
behavior is now consistent, and an appropriate error message is displayed
when you try to pause the automation. Previously, the behavior between row and table level actions on the Activity page was inconsistent. Service Cloud case ID: 01941227 |
With the
bot.dependency.timeout = <value in seconds>
property, network connections no longer stuck. Also, a scheduled bot no longer remains in the Pending execution status. As a result,
Bot Agent can download the
dependencies and thebot executes
successfully. Previously, during dependency download phase, the downloads were stuck due to unreliable network. As a result, Bot Agent could not download the dependencies and the bot did not execute. Service Cloud case ID: 00951927, 01822836, 01801869, 01874596 |
You can edit and save device
credentials on the My Settings
page without encountering errors. Previously, you were unable to save the device credentials. Service Cloud case ID: 01941151, 01943701, 01958822, 01858205, 01867974, 01862001, 01867845, 01921703, 01905028 |
Audit log details page
displays complete text for all fields. Previously, text that was displayed for some of the fields were truncated. Service Cloud case ID: 01908673 |
On the Historical page, the activities details
page displays the correct status for bots
that are stopped from executing. Previously, the status for such bots was displayed as failed. Service Cloud case ID: 01835612, 01962900 |
When an AAE_Admin tries to
delete a user, a prompt is displayed with the list of resources that the
user is associated with. This list includes resources such as licenses,
schedules, pools, lockers, queues, and credentials. This information
helps the administrator to disassociate the user from the resources
before deleting the user. Previously, a generic message was displayed before a user was deleted. Service Cloud case ID: 01255043, 01761442, 01764557, 01800227, 01807149, 01927012, 01804960, 01949491, 01970079 |
Bot Agent can now successfully download the packages
to device during bot deployment even if the repository path is a
Distributed File System (DFS) path. Previously, if the repository path was set to a DFS path, Bot Agent was not able to download the packages to device and bot deployment failed. Service Cloud case ID: 01940976 |
When Bot validation feature is enabled and if you pass a
File type variable from the
parent to child bot, you no longer encounter the preprocessing error
during runtime. As a result, you can run the bot successfully. Previously, a File sub-type was handled incorrectly and validated against string rule during bot validation. As a result, you were unable to run the bot when file variable was used in the Task Bot. Service Cloud case ID: 01969744 |
When you update the cloned bots by replacing older dependencies with the new ones and
check in these bots to the public workspace, the update is
retained when another user checks out this updated bot.
Previously, when another user checked out this updated cloned bot, the older dependency remained along with the new one. Service Cloud case ID: 01948590 |
When you restore your bots and their dependent files from Git
to your server repository, the version information is retained in the
correct order. When the Git restoration process is complete, the bots and files contain the same version
as the source. Previously, version information was not restored in the correct order. The bot restored was not of the same version as its source. Service Cloud case ID: 01924034 |
When you update to Automation 360 v.24 or later and the Control Room server repository is on a
user network file path, if you import bots that contain a large number of bot or
non-bot file dependencies, the bot now imports successfully. Previously, the bot import failed with an error. Service Cloud case ID: 01807824, 1815889, 01831729 |
When a large number of
users perform concurrent bot check-in
operations and if the bot contains
multiple dependencies, the concurrent check-ins are completed without
delay. Previously, the check-in operation was slow, affecting other repository actions and the Control Room performance. Service Cloud case ID: 01944887, 01964122 |
you update to Automation 360 v.29, code
analysis rules are now retained for configured policies. Previously, code analysis rules were not retained in the active policy after the update. |
When you update to Automation 360 v.29, you can now seamlessly view and execute
bots without encountering any issues. Previously, there was a delay and error in displaying the view and run bot functionality due to an inconsistency in the global database configuration. Service Cloud case ID: 01978351, 01978355, 01978359, 01978371, 01978389, 01978376, 01978393 |
When you update to Automation 360 v.29, bot check-in works
properly without any issue even when Git has an older
configuration. Previously, bot check-in failed displaying an error with older version of Git because of the missing auth_type record in the database. Service Cloud case ID: 01983953 |
On the Audit log page, when you select the
source type as Event type or
Source, the corresponding
drop-down values are sorted in alphabetical order. Previously, the order was random for these source types. Service Cloud case ID: 00805794, 01908670, 01766369 |
The Automation 360 installer shows an
appropriate warning message when Elasticsearch service is not running. Previously, the warning message was not clarifying the issue. Service Cloud case ID: 01967255 |
On the Create Active Directory role mappings
page, the Active Directory domain
option lists domain names as NetBIOS names. Previously, domain names were displayed as fully qualified domain names (FQDN). |
API Task is designed for Automation 360 cloud deployments only and is not available
for On-Premises deployments. Previously, during the beta release, API Task was made available in the On-Premises deployments for a brief period. |
You no longer encounter
issues when you create a bot and disable
any action (the disabled action has no data or contains errors) in
the code. Previously when you executed such bots, it failed with an error. Service Cloud case ID: 01952661 |
If Auto
update is enabled for Bot Agent in
the Control Room, the registered devices running Windows10
Enterprise no longer restart after the Bot Agent
update. Service Cloud Case ID: 01950021 |
After a successful
installation of the Bot Agent on a
device, the Bot Agent service is
registered correctly and is displayed on the Windows Services page. Service Cloud Case ID: 01797914 |
After updating to this
release, you can delete a registered device from the Control Room without any issues. Service Cloud Case ID: 01903472, 01914698 |
Security vulnerability
issue fixed in the crutils.jar
file. Service Cloud case ID: 01955093 |
Automation Co-Pilot end points
include the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) response
headers. Previously, the response headers were missing in the Automation Co-Pilot end points. Service Cloud case ID: 01926041 |
In a form with a text field that has a max character limit, when a value from a previous task is inherited an error will display. This was fixed in Cloud build 17557 and On-Prem build 17571. Service Cloud case ID: 01969999 |
After you update to Automation 360 v.29, no error messages are shown as
separated characters. Previously, when you update to Automation 360 v.29 and system language was set as non-English language, for example Japanese, error messages were shown as separate characters. Service Cloud case ID: 01986699, 01988909 |
The format of date data passed from bot to form now transfers accurately. Previously, the date format was changed during transfer. |
You can now manually enter any time value between 00:00 to 00:45 when entering time (24-hour format) in forms. Previously, the values entered defaulted to the nearest 15-minute interval. Service Cloud case ID: 01963769 |
In the Bot editor, the Create a request action in the Process Composer package now supports table variables. This allows you to pass the data of a table to the initial form during run time in Automation Co-Pilot. |
If an error is present in a mandatory field the submit button is disabled. Previously, when using forms in build 16667 the button remained enabled during first attempts. Service Cloud case ID: 01949368 |
Check box values render as expected in web forms. Previously, an inconsistency occurred from designing the form, causing the rendered check box value to be inaccurate. Service Cloud case ID: 01951738 |
When you navigate though page numbers on the
Average time to spent to create a Task Bot tab,
the dashboard sorts and shows the bots list
correctly. Previously, when you navigate through page numbers, the dashboard showed inconsistent data even if the same page was clicked. Service Cloud case ID: 01820655 |
Build 18345:This build includes the following fix. When a user clicks the cancel button of a form, in a Cancel Human task action, the form validation is ignored and the process moves to the endpoint to cancel the task. Previously, when a user clicked the button the form validation was considered and mandatory fields or errors could cause the form to not be submitted. |
On On-Premises deployments,
the heap size of the Ignite services no longer causes the Control Room to be unresponsive. Previously, the Control Room used to become unresponsive in such a scenario. Service Cloud case ID: 02002563 |
For a queue in draft mode, when you edit the general settings such as Max auto retry attempt, you cannot save the changes. Additionally, it generates an error message. |
For users with more than
1000 schedules (active or inactive), the Scheduled activity page might not load properly. At
times, you might encounter an error message while browsing the schedules
across pages. Workaround: To view the list of schedules, you can filter and sort the schedules by status. |
Process Discovery (Discovery Bot) has been removed from the Community Edition, but there is a
non-functional link to Process Discovery
(Discovery Bot) on the home page that
needs to be ignored. Workaround: Ignore the non-functional link in the Community Edition. |
There might be a mismatch in the Bot Agent update required data in device dashboard with that of the Devices page. This mismatch is because the Devices page shows the data about only online devices whereas the device dashboard shows the data about all devices (online and offline). |
When you export or promote
bots or files that are checked in
before January 2021, you might encounter an export or bot promotion error. Workaround:
After you update to Automation 360 v.29, the bot check-in fails with an error message. To fix this
issue, perform one of the following steps:
Trigger listeners is not supported when you use an auto login that is configured from an external key vault. |
Importing bots and packages from the Bot Store does not work in
Automation 360 v.29 for all users. The Bot Store import action fails, and the import remains
either in IN_PROGRESS or in
FAILED status in the Bot Store
downloads page. Workaround: See A360.29 | Importing bots and packages from Bot Store does not work (A-people login required). Service Cloud case ID: 02001442, 02002465, 02000881 |
Limitations from previous releases |
While running a bot in debug mode, the bot will fail if the variable size gets greater than 3 MB. An error message appears showing that a variable has exceeded the 3 MB limit. |
After you update Automation 360 to v.28, when you cancel the update process after removing all the services, the rollback of the services does not happen. As a result, you will encounter an error message, when you attempt Automation 360 update. |
Bots that are in the Queued status do not appear
automatically on the In progress activity page. Workaround: Click the Refresh table button on the top-right corner of the activity table to view the queued bots. |
Feature deprecations
The user interface for the Automation 360 product will no longer support Italian,
Russian, and Simplified Chinese languages. In addition, updated release
documentation will no longer be available in these three languages though
English documentation will be accessible. For a complete list of deprecations, see Upcoming feature deprecations. |
Microsoft has deprecated EWS API for Exchange
Online and has recommended that users move to Graph API. See Upcoming API Deprecations in
Exchange Web Services for Exchange Online. Note: We recommend that you update
the impacted bots by replacing each
email-related action with the
equivalent new action in the Microsoft 365 Outlook
package (based on Graph API).
Microsoft 365 Outlook package updates | Microsoft 365 Outlook package |
Updates to the interface
Review the updates to the interface in this release.
See the following video for the updates in the interface for Automation 360 v.29 release:
The External Key Vault Integration page is simplified to easily select and configure key vaults when installing the Control Room. |
The Licenses page is simplified to segregate the licensing information. |
The Attention needed filter is added in the notification panel to simplify the notification categories. |
The Time filter field is added to search, view, and customize the historical activities based on the selected time duration. |
The Edit option is added for in-use queues to update the queue details and process queues faster. |
Move bots across environment easily with bot promotion. |
The icon for a process has been updated in the Bot editor. |
Variables for currentValue and currenKey are now visible in the variable picker, regardless of variable type. |