Review potential, system-generated opportunities, create custom opportunities from a system-generated opportunity, and convert them to bots. You can also export the opportunity data to a Microsoft Word or PDF document for your reference.


Automation opportunities are of two types, system-generated and manual. System-generated opportunities, also known as auto-generated opportunities, are created when at least one recording is approved by the user for a process. The auto-generated opportunities are available immediately for you to begin analyzing from the Opportunities page for the recording. The Download option to generate a Microsoft Word or PDF document is not available for auto-generated opportunities. Creating a branch and merging steps into the branch for auto-generated opportunities is not available from the process diagram.

Manual opportunities, also known as custom opportunities, are created from auto-generated opportunities. A custom opportunity allows you the flexibility to review current and newly added recordings from users and decide to accept or reject the new recording changes to the existing process diagram. You can also create a branch as you add steps from another recording to the process diagram. The Download option is available for you to use if you want to download a Microsoft Word or PDF document of the custom opportunity data for your reference.

  • This task is performed by the Discovery Bot analyst who is in charge of reviewing and analyzing the associated recordings of business processes.
  • Ensure the analyst is assigned a Process analyzer license and the AAE_Discovery Bot Analyst role before processes are analyzed.

    Supported licenses for Discovery Bot

  • Ensure the analyst is assigned a Bot Creator license to convert opportunities to bots.

    Supported licenses for Discovery Bot


  1. Review the data in the Opportunities tab:
    1. From your local machine, log in to your Control Room as Discovery Bot analyst.
    2. Go to Discovery Bot > Opportunities.
      The Opportunities page displays all the opportunities you have created. You can configure the menu option to display as you want using the Customize columns icon. The table lists the following information:
      Field Description
      Opportunity name The name created for the opportunity. To identify an auto-generated opportunity from a custom opportunity, the auto-generated opportunity begins with the name of the process hyphen OPPORTUNITY.
      Process name The name created for the process.
      Type The type of opportunity created for a process. The type can be Auto or Custom.
      Path The type of path specified based on the Filter option applied to the opportunity. Auto-generated opportunities use filter default value of Most common path.
      Date created When the opportunity was created.
      Date modified The date the opportunity is modified by the analyst. The modified date can occur when a opportunity is updated or when a custom opportunity is created.
      Owner The name of the process owner. The process owner can be system or analyst.
      # of recordings The number of recordings for a process associated with the opportunity.
      # of applications The number of applications used in a recording session associated with the opportunity.
      Process cycle The duration of the recording session associated with the opportunity.
      # of users The number of users who participated in the recording session for that process.
      Cost without automation The formula used to calculate the cost of the opportunity without automation. Use the formula to help you decide which opportunities to prioritize for your business development based on ROI, applications used, number of users, and so on. The formula is calculated by taking the number of users multiplied by the total hourly pay of number of users multiplied by the average process cycle.
      Savings The potential savings associated with the opportunity (this could have been specified as a yearly savings or savings per run).
      Priority The priority level assigned to the opportunity. The priority can be one of the following:
      • Low
      • Medium
      • High
      Bot created The bot created for an opportunity. This can be Yes or No. The Convert to bot option is not available for auto-generated opportunities. The Convert to bot option is available for custom opportunities only.
    3. Select the required opportunity by sorting, searching, or both from the table using the Search field.
    4. Click the vertical ellipsis icon (three dots) from the table to view an opportunity or download a Word or PDF PDD document.
      The PDD download option for Word or PDF is only available for custom opportunities.
    5. Select an opportunity from the table for display.
  2. Optional: Create a custom opportunity from the autogenerated opportunity.
    1. Expand the Recordings section from the left side of the main canvas.
      By default, all selected recordings are displayed in the process diagram.
    2. Select a single recording from the Recordings section for review, as needed.
      The selected recording is colored in blue from the Recordings section and displayed in the new feeder canvas to the left of the main canvas. All recordings are displayed in the process diagram to the right of the main canvas. Toggle off the selected recording to select another recording for display.
    3. Select either the screenshot icon or the application icon to decide how you want to display the steps.
      Use the Zoom in or Zoom out options as required. Use the Reset zoom to bring the view back to the default level and recenter the process in the canvas.
      Contiguous steps performed in the same application are combined together. This is displayed as a single group to allow better readability of the process. The number of steps collated together is indicated in the bottom-right corner of the group.
      Note: If the screenshot view is the last active view, then the image of the last step in the group is the one that is displayed for the collapsed group. You can drag the process within the canvas by holding down the mouse left button and moving the process to the desired location.
    4. Click a step to expand a group of steps to preview the step in more detail. Alternatively, click the arrow near the top-right corner of the group icon.
      Use the group icon to display groups of steps that belong to the primary and secondary level actions (and subgroup level actions) used during the recording session. As required, expand a group of steps to drill down from the primary to subgroup-level actions to help you decide what group of steps to use when creating a potential opportunity for a task that you want to automate. For example, a primary-level action displays Microsoft Outlook, a secondary-level action displays Outlook mail notification, and subgroup-level actions can display compose email, body email, and send email.
    5. Select the Select all steps check box from the Overview pane to select all the steps in the process diagram.
      Based on your requirements, use the Shift key to customize the number of steps within a path from the main canvas. If you select a nested branch or loop, the parent branch or loop displays a partial selection.
    6. Optional: Use the Filter option to customize a specific opportunity. Using the Filter and Toggle frequency counter options.
    7. Optional: Use the Toggle frequency counter option to display the frequency of path as compared to other recordings. For more information, see Using the Filter and Toggle frequency counter options.
    8. Click Save as to save the opportunity as a custom opportunity.
    9. Enter a name and description for the opportunity in the fields provided.
    10. Click Save as to save your changes.
      A message window appears notifying you that the opportunity is created. Click the hyperlink to view the custom opportunity. The PDD is generated and available for download from the Opportunities table. Click the vertical ellipsis to download the PDD in Word format or PDF.
      Note: The filter option you selected for a custom opportunity will not be reflected in the new custom opportunity process diagram.
  3. Optional: Create another custom opportunity from a custom opportunity. Add steps from another recording to the process diagram, create a branch, and merge steps from one or more recordings into the branch.
    1. Select a single recording from the Recordings section.
    2. Click the branch icon from the right main canvas to add a condition step.
      Moving the subsequent step into a branch on the left and adding a new branch to the right in the empty branch are to receive steps from another recording. In the top-right corner of the yellow box, click the three dots to create a new branch or delete a branch. The branch endpoint is displayed with a small circle.
      By default, you can move the branch endpoint lower in the path flow to include more than one step. To move the branch endpoint, press down with the cursor on the endpoint until you see the dotted lines appear around the branches. Drag the endpoint downward in the path flow. Place the endpoint when you see the dotted lines appear between the arrow. The endpoint is shifted downward in the path flow and includes more steps. To select a custom selection of steps, use the Shift key to select a certain number of steps within a path from the main canvas. Cross-path selection is not available.
      The loop icon is displayed as an orange circle with an arrow. A loop is a sequence of steps that occurs for a specific number of times for a single recording. The loop icon has a for condition displayed under this along with Count, which describes the number of times the sequence of steps in this loop is repeated in the process. You can change the loop condition (for and while) by saving the process diagram.
    3. Click the Condition field at the node level.
    4. In the Condition field, enter a name for the condition. Example, credit score.
    5. Click the check mark to save the name for the condition.
    6. Open the corresponding branches on the right and left and set a value for the condition.
      For example, enter less than 200 on the right and greater than 700 on the left.
    7. Drag and drop steps from the recording in the feeder canvas into the receiver step that reads Drag items here of the branch in the main canvas.
      Use the Shift key to select one or more steps to drag into the receiver step. To clear a condition in the branch, click the three dots. Select Clear branch.
    8. Click Save to save your changes to the process diagram.
      The PDD begins processing in the background automatically. When the PDD is generated, the field changes from Processing PDD to Download.
    9. Repeat steps a through h to review additional recordings and create branches and merge steps into the branch.
    10. From the Overview pane, click the Edit icon to update the potential savings associated with the custom opportunity.
      The potential savings and potential cost can be updated at any time as you review the steps from various recordings and make changes within the process diagram.
    11. Enter the estimated cost of the process without automation.
    12. Enter the potential savings associated with the process when automation is used.
      This is your best assessment of the expected savings on an annual basis if a bot is used to perform all the steps in the opportunity.
    13. Select the priority from the drop-down list.
    14. Click Update.
    15. Click Save to save your changes to the process diagram.
    16. Repeat steps j through o to update the potential cost for the custom opportunity from the Overview pane.
    17. Click Save as to save the opportunity as a custom opportunity.
    18. Enter a name and description for the opportunity in the fields provided.
    19. Click Save as to save your changes.
      A message window appears notifying you that the opportunity is created. Click the hyperlink to view the custom opportunity.
    20. Optional: Repeat steps 4a through s to create another custom opportunity from this custom opportunity, as needed.
      All opportunities (autogenerated and custom) can be viewed from the Opportunities page.
  4. Optional: For custom opportunities, review new recordings submitted by the Discovery Bot user. Accept or dismiss the new changes for the process diagram.
    1. Click Review to accept the updates and review the new recordings.
    2. Select the new recording from the Recordings section.
      The selected recording is highlighted in blue. The recording opens for display to the left of the canvas. Refer to the dotted lines around the steps. The placement of the steps is displayed in the process diagram to the right of the canvas with a bold border around the steps. The shaded green refers to the placement of the groups of steps from the new recording as they will appear in the process diagram if you update with these changes.
    3. Click Update with changes to accept the updates to the process diagram.
      A pop-up message is displayed, indicating that your changes are successfully updated.
    4. Click Back to edit to return to the current process diagram without the changes.
    5. Click Dismiss to dismiss the changes.
      Continue reviewing the current process diagram for the custom opportunity. Add steps from another recording to the process diagram, create a branch, and merge steps from one or more recordings into the branch, as needed.
  5. Convert to bot:
    1. Click the Convert to bot option.
    2. Enter a bot name.
    3. Optional: Enter a description.
    4. Click Browse and accept the default folder location \Bots\.
      To change the location where your bot is stored, drill down to the folder in which you want to save the bot.
    5. Click Confirm.
    6. Click Convert.
      A message window appears notifying you that the bot has started to convert. You will receive an email when the bot is converted successfully. Click the hyperlink in the email to take you to your folder in which the bot was generated.
      Note: In the My bots tab, the converted bot displays an error, with 0 byte size while the bot creation is in process. Avoid opening the bot until the bot conversion is complete.
    The Convert to bot option is only available if you have the Bot Creator license. To review the created bot you must have the AAE_Basic role assigned.
  6. Click the Download option to export the opportunity data into a Process Definition Document (PDD) with the same name as the opportunity. Select the type of PDD (Word or PDF) that you want to export. The PDD includes the process recording flow chart with a URL link to the process diagram inside Discovery Bot , and the time on each individual step in hours, minutes, and seconds. The PDD does not display the process diagram if there are more than 100 steps selected.
    When an opportunity is created, the PDD begins processing in the background automatically. When the PDD is generated, the field changes from Processing PDD to Download. You can now download the document. An email notification to the business user is also sent to the email address on file. If an error occurs when you download the PDD, click Download again to generate the PDD again.
    Note: If you are a multi-role user, you will receive two email notifications for the exported data, one for the recording data and one for the opportunity data.
    Note: You must be the owner of the opportunity to be able to download it; otherwise, the download option is not available.
    On your machine, the document is saved in the folder that is configured for downloads in your browser.