Automation 360 provides in-product assistance through the Resource center widget. The in-product help and guide provides on-demand access to product documentation, walkthroughs, and other guides to help you familiarize with the interface and learn more about the capabilities in the product.

Help center (in-product help)

The Help center (a part of the Resource center widget in Automation 360) provides contextual assistance to access real-time documentation within the product when you use the interface and build automations.

Important: The Help center is available only on Cloud Control Room instances and can be accessed only from the Home page and the Bot editor. Administrators cannot disable this feature for any of the users.

When you log in to the Control Room, the Help center shows content related to the features or settings in the Home page and in the Bot editor page. The Help center is located at the bottom-right of these pages. In the Help center, you can search for content from the documentation portal or click the suggested topic links to open and view related content within the Help center.

Professional developers can use the suggested topics or search for specific packages, actions, or other information for bot development. Additionally, the documentation link in the contextual help loads the content directly in the Help center. This feature helps developers eliminate the need to switch between the Bot editor and the documentation portal, thus providing a better user experience.

The Help center provides quick assistance for developers​ when they create bots in the Bot editor. Developers can search for contextual information about actions and packages by clicking the document help icons. The Help center updates to show content relevant to the selected action without the user having to navigate outside the Bot editor. Depending on your preference, you can view the content in Theater or Full screen mode.

View how to access the Help center and its features in the following video:

In-product guide

Automation 360 uses a digital adoption platform to provide in-product user assistance (guides and walkthroughs) and anonymously analyze product usage such as page views and feature clicks. This data is used to inform user research and improve the overall experience of Automation Anywhere solutions.
Services performed
  • In-product guides and user notifications
  • In-product educational spotlights
  • Informational tips and other contextual user assistance elements within the product to help onboard users
  • Anonymized user analytics to understand usage patterns of Automation Anywhere products
Data processed
  • Clicks on user interface elements within Automation Anywhere products
  • User ID in a form that does not disclose the identity of the user (for example, 159:0a664495-7f3e-126a-817f-513aeedf003e)
  • Web-browser type, web-browser version
  • Server Control Room URL
  • Language selected (English, Japanese, and so on)
  • User's first visit and last visit
  • User's permissions settings
  • List of features to which the user has access
  • Product features that are used
  • Automation Anywhere license type (Developer, Attended User, and so on)
  • Automation Anywhere product version number
  • User provided ratings and feedback comments on product features and functionality
Note: The digital adoption platform does not receive the user's IP address or bot information such as which bot was run and what the bot does.
Types of data captured
Automation Anywhere captures the following three types of data when using the digital adoption platform:
  • Event data

    Includes click and focus events providing usage metrics. This enables us to understand the adoption of features and usage patterns to inform future improvements to the experience of our products.

    For example:

    • Clicking the Run Bot option
    • Clicking the paths to open a bot in the Bot editor
    • Tabbing into a search input
    Note: The platform does not collect any user-entered text.
  • Page load data

    Includes data captured as users navigate to various parts of the web application, such as root paths of links and page titles

    Note: The platform does not collect any input parameters sent through a link.
  • Metadata

    Includes metadata that is associated with clicks and page loads when a user logs in to Automation Anywhere products.

    Metadata that is sent to the digital adoption platform includes the following types of information:

    • Pseudonymized user ID
    • Pseudonymized account ID
    • Selected language
    • Build number
    • Browser version
    Note: The platform explicitly does not:
    • Record the screen
    • Perform any sort of screen-scraping
    • Capture data entered in any input field
Blocking the platform
Blocking the digital adoption platform will block in-product user assistance and important system messages such as the following:
  • Productivity boosts through targeted user tutorials
  • Targeted important announcements and direct communications
  • Opportunity for in-app direct feedback, requests, and support
  • In-app integration to Automation Anywhere documentation and support
  • Ability to see user behavior so that we can proactively make improvements to the product