Formula validation rules such as basic arithmetic, comparative, logical, and functional operations are used to improve the accuracy and reliability of data extraction.

Tip: We recommended using functional operators instead of mathematical operators when validating fields and tables for better accuracy.
When formulating an expression remember the following:
  • All function names must be in capital letters.
  • All formulas must result in either a true or false validation.
  • Field and column names are case sensitive when used within formulas. If field is defined as Qty in design, using qty or QTY in formula results in an invalid formula.
  • For variable declaration or manipulation, ensure not to use certain keywords that are reserved for formulating an expression, including SUM, SUB, DIV, MUL, COLSUM, IF.

Mathematical operators

Comparative operators

Logical operators

Operations Description Syntax

And: Field/Column is valid if all conditions are true

<Current Field/Column Name> <operator 1> <expression 1> && <Current Field/Column Name> <operator 2> <expression 2>



Or: Field/Column is valid if any one of the given conditions is true

<Current Field/Column Name> <operator 1> <expression 1> || <Current Field/Column Name> <operator 2> <expression 2>



Not: Converts a true expression to false and also the other way round


For example, !(AGE < 18) ==> valid when AGE is not less than 18

Functional operators