This action enables you to retrieve a list of nodes for a node path.


Retrieves the list of child nodes for a node path.
Note: When you run the Json > Get node list action to retrieve numbers, and if a number contains a decimal point and has more than seven digits, the number retrieved is converted to scientific notation (exponential number) and does not display correctly. For example, the number 77777778.07 is retrieved as 7.7777778E7.
Workaround: To retrieve a correctly formatted number, perform the following steps-
  1. In the bot, use the String to locale number action to convert a string to a locale-formatted number.
  2. Use the Number to string action with decimal point accuracy to convert a user-specified number to a string.
  • Enter the key or node path to retrieve multiple nodes or select a variable.
    Note: Enter $ in the JSON node key or path field if you want to retrieve the value of a key from the root level of JSON.
  • Enter the session name or select an existing variable used in the Start session action.
  • In the Save the outcome to variable field, select a list type variable to hold the output.

For more information on how to use some of the actions (including Get node list), see this example topic Example of using JSON package actions in a bot