A process contains bot and human tasks. A Co-Pilot Admin can manage and assign processes to teams to deploy processes or automate tasks.

The Co-Pilot Admin performs global process management tasks. Such tasks include, but are not limited to:
  • View the checked-in processes from the Control Room.
  • Assign teams to a process for request creation.
  • View and resolve pending requests and tasks.
  • Switch the default deployment resource from scheduler user to a role-based user.

Select Manage -> Processes to view your requests on the Process Setup page. For easy access to a specific process, you can sort the processes by name in ascending or descending order and toggle the pinning of a process.

The responsive view of the Process Setup page adjusts the display to your screen size. To guide with your team assignment, you can also reference the team from which a request is created by referring to the team name added in the process tile on the Process Setup page.

To simplify setting up a process and reduce the need for scheduler users, you can use the Default deployment resource option at the top of the page to easily switch the resource from Scheduler user to Role-based user.

Default deployment resource

When you switch to a Role-based user, some of the existing configurations might be updated:
  • If the Process level scheduler is using any scheduler user, it will be changed to the default scheduler. You can switch to a custom resource and then select a role for the resource.
  • For user group deployment resources, if any team-level scheduler is using a scheduler user, it will be changed to the Process scheduler. You can then select a role for individual teams or roles.
When you switch to a Scheduler user, some of the existing configurations might be updated:
  • If the Process level scheduler is using any role, it will be changed to the Global scheduler. You can select any scheduler user from the drop-down.
  • If any team-level scheduler is using any role, it will be changed to the Process scheduler. You can select any scheduler user from the drop-down.

Select a process to begin editing and select who and how the process can be run. Find initial settings on the General tab. Enable users to run the process by adding role and team types on the User group tab. Image demonstrates the edit process menu and orients users where to add roles to the process.

Note: When importing a process from a development environment to production environment and you use a Team or Role (User group) that does not exist in the targeted environment, the process import fails and does not display on the Automation Co-Pilot Process Setup page.
To ensure that the process import completes successfully and displays on the Process Setup page, you can:
  • Update the processes to use Global Values of type user group for human tasks.
  • Ensure that there is a valid team or role in the targeted environment.