The Control Room administrator can generate a registration key to install the Bot Agent on multiple devices at the same time.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Settings.
  2. In the Bot agent bulk install option, click Edit.
    Generate a registration key to use for bulk installation screen appears:Bulk install Bot Agent
    Note: If you have not created a registration key, the Generate a new key option is selected by default.
  3. Click Save changes to generate a new registration key.
    A Control Room registration key is generated.Copy registration key
    Note: A generic Control Room registration key is valid for 10 years.
  4. Click Copy to clipboard before using the registration key in the installation script.
    If you have an existing Control Room registration key that you want to replace:
    • In the Bot agent bulk install option, click the Edit.

      The Keep current key option is selected by default.

    • Select the Generate a new key option.
      Note: Before you generate a Control Room key, keep in mind that a new key invalidates the previous Control Room registration key. Any entries or references to the previous Control Room registration key must be replaced with the new key value. Therefore, we recommend that you generate a new Control Room registration key only if the previous key is compromised.
    • Click Save changes.

Next steps

Click Download installer to download the latest Bot Agent MSI installer file. The Bot Agent installer MSI file is downloaded to your default Downloads folder.