Modify credential details and add or remove attributes.

A credential can be edited by the owner when the credential is not assigned to a locker. If a credential input type is user-provided, then locker consumers can edit the credential to input a value.
Role-based access and locker permissions
Note: A user with the AAE_Locker Admin role can assign a credential to a new owner. For more information, see Transfer credential ownership.


  1. Navigate to Manage > Credentials.
  2. Hover over the Actions icon for the credential.
  3. Click the Edit icon. (edit-icon)
  4. Edit the credential.

    If the email notification setting is enabled and credentials are added to a locker, then all the locker consumers receive an email.

    The maximum limit of credential attributes that is allowed is 50. If you have upgraded to the current version and have migrated credentials that have more than 50 attributes, when editing that particular credential, the following message displays: Credentials can only have a maximum of 50 attributes. To continue, remove the additional attributes that cannot be saved and add those to a new credential.
  5. Click Save changes.