Co-Pilot for Automators in Bot Editor

Natural language prompts can make developing sophisticated bot automation simple and fast.

Co-Pilot for Automators offers a dialog box to receive instructional prompts, recognize the necessary actions and changes, then edit the bot automation accordingly. This can save time and human effort when compared to the traditional select and enter method of development, helping developers focus on the scenario and automation goals.


See Availability


Co-Pilot for Automators supports the following features in the Bot editor. Consider describing the following with a natural language prompt.

  • Create an action and automatically create variables for mandatory attributes of the action.
  • Describe and reference existing variables in prompts using the established variable tag (ex. $variable_name$).
  • Create an action and a variable, and map them together with a single prompt (ex. Connect to Salesforce and set username to $salesforceUserName$).
  • Update attributes of an action in the Bot editor.
  • Select multiple actions and update matching properties across the selection.
  • Specify conditions of if/else actions with instructions of the bot behavior when matching properties exist (ex. if greater than 99, else save $var$ to excel).
  • Furthermore, multiple conditions of if/else actions can be recognized when described with instructions (ex. if greater than 99 and less than 999.
  • Set the iterator type and items of loop logic based on the built-in iterators (ex. For each: file in a folder, row in a database table).

Known limitations in the Bot editor

The following functionality is currently not supported by Co-Pilot for Automators.

Element Limitations
  • Custom packages and Bot Store packages are not supported.
  • An existing Task Bot cannot be linked to Run Task Bot action via prompts.
  • Recorder or Capture action properties cannot be auto-populated via prompts.
  • Loop action defaults to 10.
  • A limited set of properties for some actions cannot be assigned or modified via prompts.

Get started

Instruct prompts to build bot automation