Bulk install Bot Agent using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager

Install Bot Agent in bulk on multiple devices from a central location using the Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager or System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM).


  • Ensure that Microsoft SCCM is installed on two machines, first on a machine that hosts the Control Room primary site and distribution server and then on a second machine that hosts the database server to store and process all client-server communication and operations.
  • Ensure that the latest AutomationAnywhereBotAgent.msi file is downloaded from one of the following locations based on your Control Room deployment:
    • For On-Premises and Cloud: Administrator > Settings > Bot agent bulk install
    • For On-Premises: <application filepath>\crui\asset folder

      For example, C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\crui\asset.


  1. Add parameters in the AutomationAnywhereBotAgent.msi file using the Orca tool.
    For detailed steps, see Bulk installing Bot Agent.
  2. Configure the Bot Agent application in SCCM.
    1. Add general details, such as application name.
      For example, Automation Anywhere Bot Agent Windows installer (*msi file).
    2. Add content details, such as content location, settings for uninstalling, and deployment options.
      For example:
      • Content location: \\crserver\msibackup\
      • Settings for content uninstalling: Same as install content
      • Deployment options: Download content from distribution point and run locally
    3. Provide the program commands required to install the application.
      For example, msiexec /i "AutomationAnywhereBotAgent.msi"/q.
    4. Provide the application detection method to determine whether the application is already installed on a device.
      The SSCM automatically detects and adds the clause for the msi file.
    5. Provide user experience details, such as installation behavior (install for system or user), logon requirement, installation visibility (interactive or hidden), and whether or not to enforce configuration manager behavior.
      For example:
      • Installation behavior: Install for system
      • Logon requirement: Whether or not a user is logged on
      • Installation visibility: Hidden
  3. Distribute the application on devices using the SCCM Distribution Point (DP).
    To install the Bot Agent, configure the DP on the primary server on which the Control Room is installed. It is important to ensure that after the application is created, it is distributed properly to DP and it can be monitored in SCCM.

    For more information, see Install and configure distribution points in Configuration Manager.

  4. Use boundaries in SCCM to virtually partition the devices identified through domains, subnets, or a range of IP addresses.
    Boundaries help in segregating the DP for different applications and can be configured through the hierarchy configuration section from the Administration option of SCCM.

    For more information, see Define network locations as boundaries for Configuration Manager.

  5. Right-click Automation Anywhere Bot Agent application to deploy the Bot Agent using the SCCM Applications option.
  6. Verify that the devices are added on the Control Room Devices page.