The Path-based mining run type finds patterns in the data and generates processes based on the set parameters.


Create a cycle


  1. Navigate to Data > Mining Runs.
  2. Click New, navigate to the Advanced tab, and select the cycle from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the Path mining type.
  4. Optional: Provide the following information:
    Field Description
    Min path length Set the minimum length for a path to be included in the output.
    Max path length Set the maximum length for a path to be included in the output.
    Number of processes Sets a maximum number of unique starting screens
    Number of paths Sets a maximum number of total paths
    Start strategy If you do not provide a start screen, Process Discovery uses one of the following algorithms to determine potential start screens:
    • Dependency: Uses a statistical model based on the frequency that certain events lead to one-another or to many others
    • Frequency: Returns the screen signatures appearing most frequently in the event logs for the given filter rules
    • Interactivity: Uses a ratio of unique appearances of screens to the amount those screens are interacted with to determine good start candidates
    • Copy Paste: Looks at controls to determine which screens are copied from most frequently
    Path filter
    • Frequency: Ranks paths by total frequency of occurrence
    • Levenshtein: Ranks paths based on frequency and similarity to other frequently appearing paths
    • Dedup: Includes only the first occurrence of a screen in a unique path, then runs the default filtering on the results. For example, if a process flows through these screens [A -> B -> A -> C], it is converted to [A -> B-> C]
    Merge starts (optional) If there are multiple start screens, Process Discovery combines all those start screens into a single process, instead of creating a process for each start screen
    Shortest path (optional) If the mining run has a defined start and end screen, Process Discovery finds the longest path between a start and an end screen, which might generate a path with repetitions of the start screen. If you select Shortest path, Process Discovery looks for the shortest path between the start and end screens
  5. Click Create & Run.
    Process Discovery performs the mining run. The length of time necessary to complete the mining run depends on the size of the data set. When the mining run is complete, it appears in the Data > Mining Runs page with the discovered processes below it.

    An example of the visual generated by a path-based mining run.

Next steps

Review the processes identified by the mining run. See Analyze and prioritize processes.