Review the information on some Generative Recorder use cases.

Generative Recorder helps with automation resiliency when the web-based business applications get updated. It might be difficult to simulate such web application updates. In such scenarios, you can test Generative Recorder with your business applications, for example, without updating the default search criteria.

For instance, Generative Recorder should work even when you do not make any updates to the object search criteria in the following scenarios:
  • When the UI elements that you want to automate have dynamic properties where you must use variables in object properties such as DOMXPath.
  • When you have to deselect some of the properties from the default object search criteria.

To begin, you can use the following web page to test in the Generative Recorder preview.

You can capture and successfully automate the UI elements on this web page by using the default Capture action of Recorder. However, when you refresh this web page, some properties of the UI elements might change which can cause the default Recorder actions to fail. You can then navigate to Advanced settings from the Bot editor to enable resiliency and automation should work without changing the default search criteria.

Secondly, you can use the following web page to test the Generative Recorder feature.

Resiliency challenge (A-people login required)

When you automate this page using Recorder, it works. On this web page, when you click Add, this page reorganizes itself to simulate the application update scenario. In such cases, your regular bot might not work. You can then navigate to Advanced settings from the Bot editor to enable resiliency and automation should work without changing the default search criteria.
Note: This is just an example scenario to help you get started. We recommend that you test against your real business applications and share the feedback with us.