Query Human Tasks action

Create custom filters with sorting capabilities for tasks.


This action calls and displays the tasks from your instance of Automation Co-Pilot based on the filter you configure in this action. Select the options to configure the filter that will display your desired results.

  • Request titles: filter results by matching titles to the entered value.
  • Names of Teams that handle the Request: filter results by matching the name of Teams to the entered value.
  • Request Refs matching exact string: filter results by matching the reference ID of the request to the exact entered value. Optionally, enter multiple values separated by commas.
  • Request Refs: filter results by matching the reference ID of the request to any value of the entered sub-strings. Optionally, enter multiple values separated by commas.
  • Task IDs: filter results by matching the task ID to any value of the entered numbers.
  • Task State: filter results by matching the status of the task (in progress or complete).
  • Task Pii Tag: filter results by matching the Pii tag to any value of the entered strings.
  • Assignee IDs: filter results by matching the ID of the task assignee to any value of the entered numbers.
  • Task titles: filter results by matching the title of the task to any value of the entered strings.
  • Page: filter results by matching a table of a task page to the entered table structure.
  • Sort: configure how the results should be sorted upon display.
As a result of the Query Human Tasks action, a table is returned. The following table lists the table column names and the order in which they are returned for further extraction:
Table 1. Table column names
Index Column name
0 Task-ID
1 Task-Status
2 Task-Title
3 Task-Assignee
4 Task-Pii-Tag
5 Request-ID
6 Request-Title
7 Process-ID
8 Created-Date
9 Updated-Date
10 Task-Sub-Status
11 Created-By
12 Task-Type
13 Task-Sub-Type
14 Created-By-User-Group
15 Team-Name
16 Workspace-Type
17 Request-Ref