File package

Automate various file-related operations, such as creating, opening, copying, renaming, and deleting a file, by using the actions available in the File package.

You can use the actions in the File package either individually, to perform an action one time, or in a Loop action, to perform that action for each file available in a folder.

Actions in the File package

Note: You can use the Zip action available in the Folder package to compress a file. See Zip action.

The File package includes the following actions:

Action Description

See Assign action

Copy Desktop file See Using Copy Desktop file action for file.

See Create action

Copy Control Room file

See Copy Control Room file action

Create shortcut

See Create shortcut action

Create symbolic link

See Create symbolic link action

Delete See Using Delete action for file.
Get name

See Get name action

Get path

See Get path action


See Open action

Print See Using Print action for file.
Print multiple files See Using Print multiple files action.
Rename See Using Rename action for file.