A queue is one of the main building blocks of Workload Management. A queue holds data known as Work Items for further processing. The system distributes these Work Items to individual unattended Bot Runners in a device pool for processing.

For workload automation create and attach a work item template to a bot, create device pools, add Bot Runners to the pool, create queues, add queue owners, participants, or consumers, define the work item structure, insert work items, and finally run the automation with the queue.
Note: In a multi-user environment, you can add a device only to one device pool.
See the following table for details of the tasks you can perform as a queue owner, participant, or consumer.
Owners Participants Consumers
Can perform
  • View the queue
  • Edit the queue
  • Add other owners, participants, or consumers to the queue
  • Add work items to the queue
Can perform
  • View the queue
  • Add work items to the queue
Can perform
  • View the queue
  • Run bot with queue
Cannot perform: Run bot with queue Cannot perform: Run bot with queue Cannot perform: Add work items to the queue

Queue owners and participants: Note that queue owners can edit a queue (change the queue name, description, add or remove owners, participants, or consumers), but participants cannot edit the queue.

You can create a workload queue in one of the following modes:

Express mode

To create queues in express mode with default parameters for workload automation in the Control Room. For more information, see Create express queues using default workload parameters.

Standard mode

The following diagram describes the flow in which you can create a workload queue in standard mode.
To create a workload queue in standard mode,
  1. Create queues

    Create queues that hold specific sets of data your bot is expecting for automation. To create queues, a Control Room administrator assigns the AAE_Queue Admin role with View and manage my queues, Create queues, Administer all queues, and View my in progress activity permissions.

  2. Add queue owners

    Add queue owners who can create, edit, and view queues.

  3. Add participants to queue

    Add queue participants from different roles defined in the Control Room. This is an optional step.

  4. Add consumers of queues

    Add queue consumers from different roles defined in the Control Room. This is an optional step.

  5. Define Work Item structure

    Define the Work Item structure for processing in a queue. This enables you to manually upload the Work Items from the system in the absence of ready data in a file.

  6. Insert Work Items

    Add Work Items from a CSV file to the queue after you define the structure.