Bot compatibility version

Bot compatibility version provides internal versioning for bot compilation and helps track different runtime behaviors for specific features. Compatibility version helps to maintain backward-compatibility when there are breaking changes (when you make changes in one part of the code that can cause potential issues in other areas).

Available compatibility versions

Bot compilation occurs on the device where the Control Room is located. Typically a Windows or Linux device is used based on the deployment model (Windows for On-Premises and Linux for Cloud).

Depending on your requirements, choose one of the following versions:
Version Description
1 The bot file path is parsed at compilation time.
2 The bot file path is parsed at bot runtime depending on the device on which the bot is running.

For example, the UNC (universal naming convention) path format is different for Windows and Linux. When you choose this version, a message is sent to the bot compiler to parse the file path during runtime instead of at compilation time.

3 The global value used in the parent bot is carried over to the child bot using a shared cache for the entire bot run which reduces the bot execution time.
  • When automations containing parent and child bots fail, enhanced error messages display the error details from the child bot.
  • Verifies whether a DLL session exists even if the session name is defined through a variable.
  • When automations containing parent and child bots fails with mismatches in parameter mapping of variables in child bots, an appropriate error message display the error details from the child bot.
  • When you perform number division operations, we support numbers with more than nine digits, including decimals.
Note: If the Bot compatibility version is set to 5 , ensure that the Enabled improved number support check box is selected to improve the precision of math operations.


Enhanced the method of passing parameters during bot execution, to include information on conditions. This enables the Recorder to suggest a fallback method.

Set the bot compatibility version

As a Bot Creator, you can set the bot compatibility version in the private workspace.
  1. Log in to the Control Room.
  2. In the private workspace, select the bot for which you want to set the version.

    The bot opens in edit mode.

  3. From the actions menu (vertical ellipsis), select Advanced settings.
  4. If the Bot compatibility version is set to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, we recommend that you set it to 6 (default version) to enhance the bot performance. Ensure that the parent bot and all the child bots have the Bot compatibility version set to 6.
    Note: Each version includes new features in addition to those provided by the previous versions. By selecting the latest version 6, you will get the advantages of all the cumulative features of previous versions.
  5. Optional: Select the Enabled improved number support check box in the Advanced features field.

    This setting helps in accurate float number calculation (positive or negative whole number with a decimal point) for your new bots.

  6. Return to the bot editor and save the bot.

Compatibility version for migrated bots

After migration from Enterprise 11 to Automation 360 and if you have removed the AAApplicationPath from the destination path, your bot might fail. For more information on how to resolve this issue, see Migrated bots and compatibility versions.