CoE Manager - Integrate with Cloud Control Room

You can integrate the CoE Manager with the Cloud Control Room to monitor your automations and calculate the savings achieved. You can link up to three Control Room instances with one instance of CoE Manager.

To link a Cloud Control Room to the CoE Manager, follow the steps mentioned below.


  • In the Control Room, perform the following steps:
    1. Create a custom role with View everyone's activity and Generate API-Key permissions.
    2. Create a user and assign the custom role created above.
    3. Generate API Key for the user.
  • In the CoE Manager, perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to Admin - Tech tab.
      You must have RPA admin or RPA tech-admin role to access the Admin - Tech tab.
    2. Click the placeholder URL in the Automation Anywhere URL column.
    3. Click Edit in the Hosting Type field and select Cloud.
    4. Click Edit in the Automation Anywhere URL field and enter the Control Room URL.
    5. Enter the username in the Automation Anywhere Username field.
    6. Enter the API key in the Automation Anywhere API Key.
    7. Click Save.
      The Enabled column automatically changes to Yes when you save the URL, username, and API key.
    8. Click Test in the Verify Cloud CR Credentials field.
      The status of your authentication is displayed in the authentication results. If authentication fails, provide correct credentials and try again.
    Note: The enabled integration ensures that all the bot execution and transactional data is pushed from the Control Room to the CoE Manager every four hours. Each push includes the current day's data plus the previous day's data in full. This overlap of data is done to ensure there are no data gaps in case of API call failures. All duplicate data is automatically corrected in the CoE Manager before publishing them on the dashboards.

    See the following video to understand how to integrate CoE Manager with Cloud Control Room.

If you do not see ROI or activity data in the Execution Tracking tab of your opportunity, see Troubleshooting.