Email package updates

Review the updates in released versions of the Email package such as new and enhanced features as well as fixes and limitations. The page also lists the release dates of each version, and the compatible Control Room and Bot Agent versions.

Versions summary

The following table lists the versions of Email package released either with an Automation 360 release or as a package-only release (in descending order of release dates). Click the version link for information about updates in that package version.

  • To download an individual package (updated in an Automation 360 release where you want only the package), use this URL:<package-file-name>-<version.number>.jar

  • For Email package, the naming convention is: bot-command-email-<version.number>.jar

    For example, bot-command-email-3.19.2.jar

For detailed steps on downloading a package and manually adding it to the Control Room, see Add packages to the Control Room.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
You no longer encounter issues when connecting to EWS with ROPC authentication and using actions such as Move or Check if folder exists.

Previously, these actions did not work if the folder count exceeded 1,000

Service Cloud case ID: 02184531


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
Fixed an issue connecting to Microsoft Outlook with multiple email accounts configured under restricted permissions. When you ran the automation, the mail account you had access to was not accessible, and an error was displayed due to some issues.

Service Cloud case ID: 02134905, 02166158


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
What's new
New option to configure connection timeout (Service Cloud case ID: 02171197)

You can now set a connection timeout value when creating automation using the Connect or Send action with the EWS server option for email automation. This new Connection timeout duration (seconds) (optional) field allows you to configure the timeout between 10 seconds and 60 seconds ensuring a successful connection with the EWS server.


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
Create a bot using the Email Connect action within a loop and connect to your Gmail account using IMAP. Select a date/time to retrieve specific emails on or after a certain date. The emails are now retrieved from the mail server without any issues.

Previously, when the mail server's date changed to the day before the Bot agent device date, emails that came after midnight on the mail server were not read.

Service Cloud case ID: 02118382


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
What's new
Variable support for Microsoft Outlook client (Service Cloud case ID: 02097136)

When you use the Email package to connect to the Outlook client, you can now use the Variable option to specify the email address to which you want to connect and perform the email-related operations.

What's changed
Supported special characters in the subject line of the Save email action (Service Cloud case ID: 01816076, 01947470, 01955099, 01961876, 02094142, 02092205)

The Save email action now supports special characters in the subject line. If the subject line contains a tab character (\), the tab character is replaced with underscore ( _ ) in the filename created to save the email.

Save email action

You no longer encounter issues when you create a bot using actions such as Forward, Reply, or Reply All and perform the following steps to automate an email-related task.
  1. Establish a connection using an Email server connection, EWS Client, or Outlook Client.
  2. Use any of these actions (Forward, Reply, or Reply All) within a Loop action, enter the email content with HTML tags in the message body, and select Plain text as an option to format the email.

Service Cloud case ID: 02101446


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
What's new
Support for Control Room managed OAuth2 authentication in Email package (Service Cloud case ID: 00705009, 01788683, 02082598)

Google has announced the deprecation of Less Secure Apps (LSAs) to connect to Google Workspace using a username and password. Starting September 30, 2024, access to LSA will be turned off for all Google Workspace accounts. To help reduce the risk of deprecation, we introduced a new Control Room managed OAuth2 mode of authentication in the Email package that allows you to connect to an email server. This authentication mode is secure and uses the centralized access token management from the Control Room.

Deprecation of Google Less Secure Apps (LSAs) | Using Connect action in Email package

Introduced encode option in email actions (Service Cloud case ID: 02082334)
When you use email actions such as Send, Forward, Reply, or Reply All, you can now use the Encoding for email option and select the following encoding types as per your requirement from the encoding list to represent information:
  • GB2312
  • Shift-JIS
  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
When you establish a connection with Outlook, you can now use Move action to move emails from one folder to another in the mailbox, even if there is more than one account integrated into locally installed Outlook.

Service Cloud case ID: 02109373, 02109838, 02107612, 02112311


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
When you create a bot using the Email package, establish a connection with the Outlook client, and use Move all action, the bot moves the emails to the correct destination folder even if the folder names are similar.

Service Cloud case ID: 01973624


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
Known limitation
When you connect with the EWS server and use Loop action to retrieve all the emails from the email server, and if the email subject contains the following characters, the bot fails to execute and displays an error message.
  • Control characters
    • Range: 0x00 - 0x08 (except 0x09 - Horizontal Tab) and 0x0B - 0x0C (except 0x0A - Line Feed and 0x0D - Carriage Return)
    • Hexadecimal values: 0x00-0x08, 0x0B-0x0C, 0x0E-0x1F
  • High surrogate and low surrogate pairs
    • Range: 0xD800 - 0xDFFF
    • Hexadecimal values: 0xD800 - 0xDFFF
  • Non-character code points
    • Range: 0xFDD0 - 0xFDEF, 0xFFFE - 0xFFFF
    • Hexadecimal values: 0xFDD0 - 0xFDEF, 0xFFFE - 0xFFFF
  • Restricted ranges
    • Range: 0x1FFFE - 0x1FFFF, 0x2FFFE - 0x2FFFF, 0x3FFFE - 0x3FFFF, 0x4FFFE - 0x4FFFF, 0x5FFFE - 0x5FFFF, 0x6FFFE - 0x6FFFF, 0x7FFFE - 0x7FFFF, 0x8FFFE - 0x8FFFF, 0x9FFFE - 0x9FFFF, 0xAFFFE - 0xAFFFF, 0xBFFFE - 0xBFFFF, 0xCFFFE - 0xCFFFF, 0xDFFFE - 0xDFFFF, 0xEFFFE - 0xEFFFF, 0xFFFFE - 0xFFFFF, 0x10FFFE - 0x10FFFF
    • Hexadecimal values: 0x1FFFE - 0x1FFFF, 0x2FFFE - 0x2FFFF, 0x3FFFE - 0x3FFFF, 0x4FFFE - 0x4FFFF, 0x5FFFE - 0x5FFFF, 0x6FFFE - 0x6FFFF, 0x7FFFE - 0x7FFFF, 0x8FFFE - 0x8FFFF, 0x9FFFE - 0x9FFFF, 0xAFFFE - 0xAFFFF, 0xBFFFE - 0xBFFFF, 0xCFFFE - 0xCFFFF, 0xDFFFE - 0xDFFFF, 0xEFFFE - 0xEFFFF, 0xFFFFE - 0xFFFFF, 0x10FFFE - 0x10FFFF

Service Cloud case ID: 01983181


  • Compatible Bot Agent version: 21.210 or later
  • Compatible Control Room version: 13980 or later
What's new
Enhanced error messages displayed during bot execution (Service Cloud case ID: 01887882)

When you create a bot using the Send email action with incorrect attachment logic, the bot execution fails and displays the following more detailed error message: Incorrect inputs are specified for the Attachment field when bot execution fails.

Email ID invalid option added to Send email action (Service Cloud case ID:01823424)

A new Raise error if the email ids are invalid option has been added to the Send email action of the Email package. If you add multiple addresses in the To address section and if any of the user email addresses are deactivated or invalid, the bot will display an appropriate error message.

Using Send action


You can create a bot using Email package > Connect > IMAP protocol with OAuth2 PKCE flow, then use Save attachment action in a Loop with an iterator as For each mail in mailbox.

Previously, when you used Save attachment action within a loop and if emails contained attachments with a colon character (:) in the attachment name, the bot failed at the loop action with an error.

Service Cloud case ID: 01937048, 01911264, 01938122, 01943463, 01952184, 01959982, 01964181

You no longer encounter any issues when you use the Email package > Connect action with the EWS option and can perform email-related operations such as reading or sending emails.

Previously, when you used actions from the Email package, it was not working and threw a connection timeout if the proxy was configured.

Service Cloud case ID: 01940196, 01937082, 01925438

You can now use the Connect action in the Email package along with other actions (such as Reply or Forward) from the same package in a bot without any issues.

Service Cloud Case ID: 01908595