This API endpoint lists all the API Tasks allocations within your Control Room. You can confirm if a particular API Task is added to the API Task allocation list before proceeding to generate API Task Execution URL with token.

POST https://{{ControlRoomURL}}/orchestrator/v1/hotbot/config
Request body:
  "page": {
    "offset": 0,
    "length": 100
Request parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
page object No object (PageRequest)

Pagination rules, allows you to filter based on desired page

offset Integer No Page starting index.
length Integer No Page length.
    "list": [
            "fileId": "149",
            "filePath": "Automation Anywhere\\Bots\\Zip Code API Task",
            "fileName": "Zip Code API Task",
            "runAsUserOrNone": "12",
            "concurrencyLimit": 1
            "fileId": "180",
            "filePath": "Automation Anywhere\\Bots\\API_task_String 01",
            "fileName": "API_task_String 01",
            "runAsUserOrNone": "12",
            "concurrencyLimit": 3
            "fileId": "184",
            "filePath": "Automation Anywhere\\Bots\\API_task_Rest 01",
            "fileName": "API_task_Rest 01",
            "runAsUserOrNone": "12",
            "concurrencyLimit": 5
    "page": {
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 3,
        "totalFilter": 3
Response parameters
Parameter Type Description
fileId Integer

ID of the automations.

filePath String The file path of the automations
fileName String The file name of the automations.
runAsUserOrNone Integer The apitaskrunner to establish the RunAsUser context for API Tasks. For more information on apitaskrunner, see Run-as-user for API Task (apitaskrunner).
concurrencyLimit Integer Maximum number of concurrency to run for a given real-time (hotbot) request.
Next steps

Generate Task Execution URL/Token