You can queue attended bots and manage multiple bot deployments.

Queue page

In Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant, the Queue page allows for you, an attended user, to view and manage your attended bots that are in multiple deployments. This helps keep track when you are deploying more than one bot at the same time.

The goal of this page is to help you manage on your pending queues at a quick glance.

Sample Queue page.


Deploy more than one bot instance
You are able to deploy multiple bot instance and not limit yourself to just one bot deployment.
Identify when triggers are initiated
When you add triggers to your bots, the bots will automatically be placed in the queue.
Grants user direct control over queues
When your bots are in a queue, you have the ability to start and stop your queue at any time. You can also delete all bots from queue list using the Delete all function, or delete individual bots.
Continue queues where you left off
When you move devices or you accidentally disconnect your device while the queue has not been cleared up. You can always continue your deployment or progress when you log back.
Search for specific queues
You can search for specific queues using keywords and quickly identify queues that are on your list.