Community Edition is a powerful automation platform that offers most of the same features as our enterprise product, Automation 360. Learn about how to get the most out of Community Edition and how it compares to Automation 360.

Community Edition is a completely free automation platform available to anyone to use to automate daily, routine tasks. It’s designed for a single user to automate their own tasks, rather than for a large team to collaborate on automation.

How is Community Edition meant to be used

To decide between Community Edition and Automation 360, consider how you want to use automation. Community Edition is designed to work best for 3 specific situations:
  • Small businesses and non-profits can leverage the power of automation.
  • Learners can accelerate their automation (or automation-adjacent) career by practicing automation.
  • Businesses can test drive the Automation Success Platform and upgrade to the enterprise version when ready.

How is Community Edition not meant to be used

Community Edition is a powerful automation platform, so it’s a great place to start your automation practice. However, it’s not designed for enterprise-scale automation. If that’s your goal, consider Automation 360.

How are Community Edition and Automation 360 features different

Community Edition offers most of the same Automation Workspace tools as Automation 360 to build automations. However, enterprise-oriented features such as collaboration tools and high-volume bot runs are different.

What’s the same in Community Edition and Automation 360

Community Edition has almost all the same features to build powerful automations:
  • Build and run unlimited automations.
  • Build complex processes to automate complex workflows.
  • Use automated tools to easily identify and correct mistakes in your code.
Community Edition updates on the same release schedule:
  • Community Edition and Automation 360 are updated in the same, quarterly release cycle.
  • Community Edition updates are released automatically (unlike Automation 360, where you can choose when to update).
  • Community Edition is updated before Automation 360 for early access

What’s different in Community Edition and Automation 360

Collaboration tools

Since Community Edition is designed for a single user, it does not have the same collaboration tools as Automation 360.
  • In Community Edition, a single user has their own workspace, whereas in Automation 360 multiple team members can collaborate.
  • Community Edition does not include our custom packages software development kit (SDK), which Automation 360 developers can use to build packages for multiple team members to reuse.
  • Community Edition does not include team-oriented security features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Volume of bot runs

While Automation 360 is designed for a large team to run many automations at once, Community Edition is designed for a single user to run one automation at a time.
  • Community Edition connects to a local device to run automations, whereas Automation 360 can connect to many Bot Runners to run many automations simultaneously.
  • In Community Edition, the user manually triggers an automation to run, whereas in Automation 360 automations can be run on a pre-set schedule.

Bot Store integration

Our Bot Store enables developers to accelerate automation builds by reusing expert-built automations.
  • Community Edition users can reuse Bot Store bots but not packages, whereas Automation 360 users can access packages too.
  • Only Automation 360 users can submit automations to Bot Store.

Availability of enterprise products

The Automation Success Platform includes many products beyond the Automation Workspace and automation building tools. These offerings are designed to enable automation at an enterprise scale.
  • Available in Community Edition: Document Automation, which can be useful for independent developers to intelligently extract data from documents.
  • Not available in Community Edition: Bot Runner, Automation Co-Pilot, and CoE Manager, and administrator settings

If you want to explore the enterprise Automation Success Platform, you can request a live demo.

Community support

Community Edition is supported in our Community user group. To ask a question or discuss Community Edition, join the group.

Usage guidelines

Number of bots creators per Community Edition user
Each Community Edition user can use one Bot Creator and one attended Bot Runner at a time. Community Edition user does not have access to unattended Bot Runner licenses.
Number of bots created by Community Edition user
Each Community Edition user can create multiple bots.
Number of registered devices per Community Edition user
Each Community Edition user can register multiple devices, but only be logged in to one at a time, and only run a bot on one device at a time.
Number of bots run by Community Edition user
Each Community Edition user can run one bot at a time on any one registered device.
Export bots function for Community Edition user
Community Edition user cannot export bots from the Control Room.
Import bots function for Community Edition user
Community Edition user cannot import bots downloaded from the Bot Store to the Control Room.