Document Automation and IQ Bot v.30 release

Review what's new and changed, and the fixes in IQ Bot and Document Automation for the v.30 release.

Note: Information about package updates (such as what's new, changed, fixes, and limitations) is available on package-specific pages. To access these pages, navigate to Package updates overview > <package-name> updates.

For a consolidated list of packages updated in this release, see Packages updated in v.30.

Document Automation

What's new
Data extraction in Document Automation using Generative AI

Create learning instances in Document Automation for Cloud with an integrated Generative AI extraction capability that requires minimal configuration. This feature provides improved document processing of unstructured and semi-structured documents with high accuracy.

Document Automation - Data extraction using generative AI

Integration of third-party parser in Document Automation

Using Document Automation SDK, you can now create and connect a custom Automation 360 package as a parser and use it to extract documents. After creating and uploading a custom package to Automation 360, configure the parser with a learning instance and process documents with it.

Integrate third-party parser in learning instance

Custom data manipulation and validation through Document Extraction package (01936705)

The Document Extraction package now provides the Get Document Data and Update Document Data actions to allow customization of document fields. With the Get Document Data action, you can retrieve extracted data through a dictionary or JSON file, and use all the available packages to read values and customize them. After manipulating the extracted data, you can use the updated dictionary or JSON string (extracted values or coordinates) as input by using the Update Document Data action and update the documents on the server. This feature helps reduce manual verification efforts.

Get document data action | Update document data action

Copy learning instance option added to Document Automation

Copy an existing learning instance to reuse the learning instance fields, parser information, document type, language, and local associations in the learning instance copy. Additionally, you can copy the heuristic feedback training and validation rules, as required.

Create a learning instance in Document Automation

Notifications for your Document Automation license consumption

If you have enabled notifications, you will receive a notification for your Document Automation license consumption when the following criteria are met:

  • When 90% of your licenses are consumed
  • When 95% of your licenses are consumed
  • When 99% of your licenses are consumed
  • When 100% of your licenses are consumed

You can use this feature to plan for additional licenses.

Understanding licenses in Document Automation

What's changed
Create custom roles and permissions in Document Automation

You are not required to use the system-defined administrator roles for Document Automation roles and permissions anymore. You can create custom roles with limited or no access to administrative permissions while adhering to your organization's security policies.

Document Automation users

Enhanced use of Google Document AI learning instances

Add custom fields for Google Document AI learning instances and use them to extract data similar to other existing pre-trained fields. With this enhancement, you can use pre-trained models from Google with custom fields to extract data from documents.

Create a learning instance in Document Automation, step 9.

Enhanced language support for Google Custom Document Extractor (CDE)
Use Google CDE for any document type in 20 additional languages. With this enhancement, you can:
  • Create learning instances in different languages
  • Add field names
  • Set up Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) license

Document Automation support for Google Custom Document Extractor (CDE)

Change in Document Automation license name

The Classifier (Number of pages) license is renamed to Document Classifier (Number of pages).

Understanding licenses in Document Automation | Manage licenses

Changes in IQ Bot Classifier package (01955258)
The IQ Bot Classifier package has been enhanced to improve its usability:
  • The package name has been changed to Document Classifier package.
  • You can track consumption on the license administration page for processed documents in the Document Classifier package.

Document Classifier package updates

Build 19688: This build includes the following fixes (along with fixes from the previous builds):
If Document rules contain multiple conditions using the AND operator with (or without) a group, an appropriate error message is now displayed. Also, the corresponding action is now applied on the fields.
When the user corrects any one cell value in the row then the entire row error message gets cleared. As a result, users can submit the document after correcting the error message.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02089847

The authentication mechanism between Document Automation and Apigee is now improved using the private public key pair.

Previously, the static signedTenantID from license server was used as the authentication token to communicate between Apigee and Document Automation Microservice on Cloud. This was causing security risk as the token was static and not expiring.

Fixed security vulnerability issues.
Build 19596: This build includes the following fixes (along with fixes from the previous builds):
If you have custom table fields in a learning instance, the table values are now extracted correctly from the specified line item.
If you have used Google CDE for creating a learning instance, the documents are now processed successfully for all the supported languages such as: Albanian, Croatian, Finnish, Icelandic, Slovenian, and Vietnamese.
Document extraction is now successful using proxy in the bring your own key (BYOK) use case.
When you try to create or edit a learning instance, the Create button is no longer disabled if you select the Extract field using pattern check box, and then subsequently clear the check box without entering a value in the Regular Expression field.
When you modify and upload a custom JSON file to the Validator, you can access the file in the Validator without any error messages.

Service Cloud Case ID: 01936705

Table names in the Microsoft Form Recognizer Studio interface exceeding 99 characters are now handled without any error messages.
While creating a learning instance, the Create Learning instance button is no longer disabled if you clear the values from any other field.
Use the latest version of the Document Automation package on the previous three (n-3) versions of the Control Room to create a learning instance and process documents successfully. For example, if you are using the Control Room from the Automation 360 v27 version, you can use the Document Automation v30 package to create a learning instance and process the documents successfully.
The name of the downloaded file is now retained even if the name of the learning instance that you have used to process the documents has an empty space.
For the new document level rules, the expected outcome is now reflected correctly in the Validator when the condition is based on a Form Field and the resulting action affects a Table Field.
After you import a learning instance, the Import learning instance from field is now cleared and the imported .dw file is no longer displayed in the field.
When you use the does match regex condition and the show error action to create a validation rule, the fields without any extraction no longer display errors.
If a field name in the Validator has more than 100 characters, the scroll bar appears and you can see the value of the form field. Previously, the form field name was not displayed.
When Extract field using pattern is chosen in the learning instance and a document is processed, the field is validated on entering valid data. Here, only the respective field is affected, and its extraction is based on the provided regular expression input.

This was a limitation in builds 18332, 18302, 18277 (Cloud-Sandbox) and build 18324 (On-Premises).

You can now save the documents in French language that are processed through heuristic feedback even when they contain special characters.

Service Cloud Case ID: 01995135

During validation, when a user clicks on a field, it should open the page in the document with the relevant information for that field or search query. However, for unstructured documents, clicking on a field to validate the value, opens the wrong page.
When you export a learning instance in Firefox browser, you cannot download the .dw file from the download link notification.

Workaround: Use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge-based Chromium to download the .dw files. For more details, see Browser requirements for Automation Workspace.

The message for updating document data in the package does not localize according to the selected language. Additionally, the localized custom message does not translate according to the selected language for Google Document AI support.

When the screen resolution is less than 1600 x 900 pixels, the validation user interface shows a stacked view and you cannot change the view.

Workaround: To resolve this issue, you must use at least 1600 x 900 pixels screen resolution.

When a user configures a parser and selects the Japanese language, the Locale field does not reflect this and continues to show the English (united states) value. The user has to manually select the Japanese locale, if required.

While creating a parser, if a user does not enter the mandatory field values (such as Provider, Document type, and Language), the system does not display any error message to notify the user. Since entering mandatory field values is required to proceed to the next step, the Next button is not enabled, hence requiring the user to enter all required field values to enable the Next button and create the parser.
While configuring a parser if a user uploads a JSON file with incorrect parser field values, the upload process fails and does not show an error message.
When a user edits a learning instance that is created with a third-party parser, the Custom aliases option should be disabled, which does happen.
When a user clicks the Language field during parser configuration, the languages do not display in the correct order.
During parser configuration, the Configure parser page does not display page content in the selected language.
When a user clicks the Create button while creating a learning instance and adds a field, on entering a field name with the same case, an error message displays.
When a user processes a multi-page document containing header less tables with Google Document AI as the provider, it extracts only the first page from the document.
Sorting does not work when a user clicks the provider name in the Parser Configuration page.
In the validation user interface when a user deletes a table row that lies in-between and tries to re-process the same document, the system removes the last row from the extracted table.
While creating or editing a learning instance, when a user updates any field label value, the system lets the user enter a value of more than 200 characters, in spite of the character limitation. However, on trying to save the updates, the user could see an error message for the character limit.
If Document rules that contain multiple conditions is using the AND operator with (or without) a group, the corresponding action is not applied and an error message is also not displayed.
When a document rule contains different datatypes in then condition, you might get the wrong error message.

Workaround: If there are multiple fields in the action with different datatypes, structure the document rule such that there is a separate action for each field.

When a user applies a formula validation across multiple rows to validate a value at form field level (For example, Sub Total) and if the user deletes one or more rows and resets the value of form field to match with the present rows, the validation error still persists. To fix this issue, perform the following workaround:

Workaround: Users must add zero (0) to the unwanted cell values (quantity, unit price, and total price) and delete the row. Then, add the correct value to the subtotal to clear the error message.

On the Learning instances page, the Google Document AI provider icon is not visible for Google CDE learning instances.
Note: It does not impact the underlying functionality.
When user provides a shared network path as output path for Advanced Classifier package actions, the Directory is invalid or not found - null error message is displayed.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02085363

When users with the validator role submit a document for validation, they encounter an error message.

Workaround: You must create a custom role with at least read permission and assign it to the users. For more details about users and custom roles, see Document Automation users and Create a custom role for Document Automation.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02092524, 02098383

When user process a document for classic Standard Forms learning instance that is connected in Document Automation and if the Bot Agent is installed with proxy authentication, the extraction fails with an error message.

When you process a document using Google CDE with bring your own key (BYOK) setup and the corresponding processor is using foundational model, the document processing fails due to transformational failure.

Workaround: To fix this issue, use the custom model instead of foundational model in Google console.

When you process a document and if it is sent to the validator, you might encounter an issue with decimal numbers (such as .78, .99) for the number data type.

Workaround: To fix this issue, you must enter the decimal numbers as 0.78 or 0.99.

Updates to the interface

See the following video for the updates in the interface for Automation 360 v.30 release:

Document Automation
Create learning instance with the Generative AI capability to extract data from unstructured and semi-structured documents in Document Automation.

Data extraction in Document Automation using Generative AI.

With the Configure parser option, you can connect a third-party parser with a learning instance in Document Automation.

Integration of third-party parser in Document Automation

The Get document data and Update document data actions are new in the Document Extraction package.

Custom data manipulation and validation through Document Extraction package

The Copy option in a learning instance lets you copy a learning instance to reuse its information in a new learning instance.

Copy learning instance option added to Document Automation

The Add a field option lets you add custom fields for learning instances with Google Document AI.

Enhanced usage of Google Document AI learning instances

The Classifier (Number of pages) license is renamed to Document Classifier (Number of pages).

Change in Document Automation license name

The IQ Bot Classifier name is changed to Document Classifier package.

Changes in IQ Bot Classifier package

IQ Bot

Invoices in Japanese language that contain any text in Greek language are now classified correctly by the IDC Classifier and errors are no longer displayed.

Service Cloud Case ID: 01967610

Feature deprecations

Tegaki API OCR engine

From Automation 360v.30, we have deprecated use of Tegaki API OCR engine for data extraction in Automation 360 IQ Bot. We recommend using the Use Google Vision OCR engine instead. See: Feature deprecations affecting Automation Anywhere products.
Note: Deprecation note added to: Use Tegaki API OCR engine.

Automation 360 IQ Bot Community Edition deprecation

Automation 360 IQ Bot Community Edition will no longer be available from November 28, 2023. Use the Document Automation Community Edition for enhanced intelligent document processing.

Users who have created automations using Automation 360 IQ Bot will need to rewrite them using Document Automation.

Refer to Document Automation for details.