To leverage BYOK (bring your own key) license for Advanced Classifier package, follow these configuration steps.


Log in as the Admin user type with Locker admin.

Create a custom role to access the Credential Vault locker.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Roles > Create role.
  2. Provide a name for the role, such as advanced-classifier-credential-role. The Manage my credentials and lockers permission is automatically selected.
  3. Click Create role.

    Assign the role to the Bot creator and Unattended Bot Runner user types.

  4. Navigate to Administration > Users and locate the users.
  5. For each user, click Edit user and add the advanced-classifier-credential-role.
  6. Navigate to Manage > Credentials > Create credential.
  7. Provide a name for the credential, such as advanced-classifier-credential.
  8. Provide a name for the attribute, such as ServiceAccount.
  9. Select the Standard input option and enter the License json key in the Value field.
  10. Click Create credential.

    Create a locker to store the key and provide access to other users.

  11. Navigate to the Lockers tab and click Create locker.
  12. Provide a name for the locker, such as advanced-classifier-locker.
  13. Select the advanced-classifier-credential and click the right arrow to move the credential to the Selected column.
  14. In the Consumers tab, select the advanced-classifier-credential-role and click the right arrow to move the credential to the Selected column.
  15. Click Create locker.