Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in Automation Workspace for the v.35 release.

What's new

APIs and integrations
AI Agent Studio APIs

This release introduces new API endpoints that enable you to connect to custom generative AI models. These APIs allow you to define models that are not natively provided by AI Agent Studio. After a model is created using the API, you can then create Model connections and use the model within AI Skills in AI Agent Studio.

  • POST /gai/prompttools/v1/custommodel - Creates a new custom model definition.
  • GET /gai/prompttools/v1/custommodel/vendors/{vendorName}/models/{modelName} - Retrieves the definition of an existing custom models..
  • DELETE /gai/prompttools/v1/custommodel/vendors/{vendorName}/models/{modelName} - Deletes an existing custom models..
  • POST /gai/prompttools/v1/custommodel/list - Retrieves a list of all custom models defined for all vendors within the Control Room.

Custom model definitions | AI Agent Studio API

Policy Management APIs

This release introduces new API endpoints to enable administrators with more granular control and detailed insights into code quality.

  • GET /v1/policy/bot/analysis/download/{filename} - Downloads a detailed CSV report containing the results of a previous code analysis scan.
  • POST /v2/policy/bot/analysis/details - Initiates a detailed code analysis scan for a specific bot automation and returns a comprehensive report of violations.
  • POST /v2/policy/bot/analysis - Initiates a summary code analysis scan for a specific bot automation and returns a concise report of key violations.

v1 - Policy Management API | v2 - Policy Management API

What's changed


After you update to this release, the automation deployments (console-based) on unattended Bot Runner devices with the log off state no longer fail. Previously, this would happen intermittently when a Bot Runner device received an automation deployment request before the existing session was logged off.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02182119, 02180333, 02183912, 02184142, 02181532, 02183285, 02184230, 02184242, 02185154, 02184044, 02183402, 02183457, 02184226, 02185775, 02185671, 02183811, 02185293, 02188077, 02180495

Users can now update custom OAuth connection settings for applications created in the releases prior to Automation 360 v32.

Previously, some users were not able to edit the custom OAuth connections created prior to Automation 360 v32 and saving changes to the custom OAuth connections page resulted in a generic server exception error.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02179056

You can now view the user field column in the exported CSV file when exporting automation details from the Historical tab (Manage > Historical).

Previously, when exporting automation details from the Historical tab, the User field column was blank in the exported CSV file.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02183298, 02183458, 02182443, 02182980, 02185627, 02187495

After you update to this release, the Bot Runner devices associated with the Control Room are no longer disconnected and the corresponding automations are now deployed successfully.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02185002, 02185009, 02185051, 02185019

Automation recording that failed to upload is no longer deleted and is now stored in the Record folder of the local device.
If the auto-login is configured, the corresponding machine is now unlocked successfully even if that machine is in locked state when the Bot Agent service starts.
After updating to this release, automation check-in process is no longer stopped or impacted even when another process (such as import) is in progress.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02171982

You can now successfully move queued automations from the In Progress activity page to the Historical activity page.

Previously, some users were unable to move these automations, and clicking on the Bot name resulted in an Invalid Job Execution ID error.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02172266, 02172404, 02173632, 02174882, 02176925, 02175839, 02178029, 02179564

When you create automations using any package, and if the package version used in the automation is disabled, you can now change the package version in Bot Editor using the Packages option from the actions menu (three vertical ellipsis) on the top-right.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02169157

When you download the template, the Check in operation no longer stuck. Also, the Check out operation is completed successfully.

Previously, in such cases, the Check in operation was stuck and checked out dependencies were not shown in the private repository. Hence, Check in and Check out operations were not completed successfully.

Starting from this release, when you update the Bot Agent version, the installer terminates any of the currently running automation browser agents for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox, which ensures that the latest browser agent is referenced.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02159721

After updating to this release, the device utilization report that you obtain from the ACC home page now displays the details accurately and no longer exceeds 100%.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02163936, 01859806

You will no longer see .png files in audit logs when performing bulk package update of packages that contain PNG metadata.

Previously, .png files were displayed in audit logs in such scenarios.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02139798

You can now use the Bot Scanner to scan automations using EOL features such as EWS API, basic authentication, and Internet Explorer.

Previously, the Bot Scanner utility failed to authenticate with an error: Authentication failed as Username or Password.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02146267

The issue of duplicate Run bot paused entries in the Control Room audit log has been resolved.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02148949

You can use the tab key to enter the password if you have entered an incorrect password on the Control Room login screen.

Previously, the On-Premises deployment users could not enter the correct password on the Control Room login screen using the tab key.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02125068, 02136393

You can now test endpoints with a string input in the query parameter in the Connector Builder.

Previously, this caused tests to fail with a 500 error, even though the connector would function correctly in automations.

The bot editor now displays the correct labels for the actions in packages created using Connector Builder with Form data as the Request body type.

Previously, the bot editor displayed incorrect labels for the actions created with Form data as the Request body type.

The Connector Builder can now successfully import Postman collections even when a parameter key is null.

Previously, the Connector Builder failed to import Postman collections when a parameter key is null.

The Connector Builder now allows you to edit the connector name even after importing an API definition.

Previously, the Connector Builder prevented editing the connector name after importing an API definition from a URL.

The Connector Builder supports the use of the $ symbol in parameter and header keys.

Previously, the Connector Builder restricted the use of the $ symbol in parameter and header keys.

Audit log captures the Bot promotion Setting changes correctly.

Previously, when you added and deleted Control Room URLs from Administration > Settings > Security Settings > Bot promotion Setting , the changes were not logged in the audit log.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02137549, 02125068, 02136393

Users can now successfully synchronize the Active Directory mapping without any connection issues.

Previously, on On-Premises deployments, there was an issue with an LDAP timeout error during the Active Directory group mapping synchronization process.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02129761

All Control Room APIs now return custom error messages.

Previously, they included internal class information in error messages when filter requests contained nonexistent fields. Now, they return only custom errors related to the request.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02128921

The /v3/activity/list API accurately reflects the modifiedOn timestamp for in-progress bots, updating dynamically as the bot progresses.

Previously, the /v3/activity/list API did not accurately reflect the modifiedOn timestamp for in-progress bots. The modifiedOn value remained unchanged during bot execution.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02140379

When you deploy a bot, the deployment no longer stuck in the Acquiring Device status and Control Room operations are restored successfully.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02128957


When you use the Bot update feature and update the bot with the Recorder and If packages to the latest version, you might lose the value set for Wait for system response (in seconds) in the Capture action of the Recorder package .

Workaround: You can checkout the bot to the public workspace and update the blank field.

In the Monitoring tab of the ACC home page, the details for the number of automation runs that are displayed in the In-Progress widget do not appear in the table at the bottom if the automations were queued beyond the selected time range.
When you click the Import bots option to import automations to Control Room, the functionality might fail intermittently with an error message.
When creating a task bot with triggers, do not combine a device event trigger and a web trigger.
If the work item structure or template is deleted, you might see an error on the Queues page.

Service Cloud Case ID: 02179674, 02183386, 02185137

The expand/collapse option is not available in the Triggers section of API Tasks in the Bot editor.