An event trigger is a predefined action that runs an associated bot. Event triggers cause execution of an automation based on any event.

All the bots with event triggers are listed under Manage > Event triggers tab. As a Control Room administrator you can view, add, or delete triggers set for the tasks in the Event triggers tab.

Over time, you might create several triggers that run various automated tasks. For example, a single task might be run using five different triggers or a single trigger might run five different tasks. As the number of tasks and triggers grow in number, you can use the Event triggers tab to organize and manage these triggers.

For On-Premises installation, when multiple triggers are configured for a single automation and one of the trigger encounters an error, none of the other corresponding triggers are impacted for Bot Runners. The trigger error events are not displayed in notifications for On-Premises but are displayed for Cloud deployments only.

Types of event triggers

There are different types of event triggers that you can use in your automation.

Available role permissions for event triggers

A Control Room administrator must provide the required permissions to ensure the associated users can access event triggers. The following table lists the available permissions:

Permission Description
View event triggers Select this permission if the users can only view the event triggers but not run or delete them.
Manage event triggers

The Manage event triggers permission is available only if View event triggers is enabled. Select this permission if the users can:

  • Add an event trigger
    Note: Users associated with the Bot Creator license cannot add event triggers in the private workspace.
  • Run a bot with event trigger
  • Delete event trigger
  • Associate an event trigger with a Bot Runner (attended or unattended) user or a role that is associated with one or more Bot Runner (attended or unattended) users.

Supported actions

In Automation 360, click Manage > Event triggers to view the table that lists all the available bots with event triggers. The following actions are available for this table.

  • Enter a keyword from the BOT PATH in the Search field to find an event trigger.

    For example, if the bot path of an event trigger is Bots\file--created--event--Salesinfo, enter Sales in the Search field to find this event trigger.

  • Use the Run with event triggers option to add event triggers. See Adding event triggers for more information.
  • Users can also delete any associated (active or inactive) event triggers from the vertical ellipsis menu.

The Event triggers displays the following information:

Optional: On the specific device, to view trigger details:
  1. Open the Task Manager > Details tab.
  2. Right-click on the column in the list of app entries.
  3. Click Select columns.
  4. Click Command Line item to enable the column.
To confirm that the triggers are active, verify that the following Java processes are running:
  • Bot Agent or node manager (name is NodeManager.exe)
  • Trigger listener (name is TriggerListener.exe)
Note: When you install or update the Bot Agent, you must add the NodeManager.exe and TriggerListener.exe files to the safe recipients or trusted (allowed) list. You use a trusted list to designate specific files that are pre-approved for access by the Bot Agent.

Consider a scenario where triggers are associated with a Bot Runner user who logs off or signs out of a device. This Bot Runner user must log in to the Control Room on that device to activate the associated triggers.