Automation 360 IQ Bot feature comparison matrix

Compare the key features of Automation 360 IQ Bot deployment models and review the feature parity with the latest IQ Bot 11.3.x release.

IQ Bot basic features Automation 360 IQ Bot IQ Bot 11.3.x
On-Premises Cloud Community Edition
Prebuilt domains Yes Yes Yes
Supported domains include:
  • Invoices
  • Purchase orders
  • Bank statements
  • Credit memo
  • Utility bills
User confidence threshold in Validator Yes No No Yes
Learning instance creation/editing/renaming Yes Yes Yes Yes
Document image preprocessing Yes Yes Yes Yes
Document image classification Yes Yes Yes Yes
Document image OCR Yes Yes Yes Yes
Google Vision OCR Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tegaki API OCR engine Yes No No Yes
MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) extraction Yes Yes Yes Yes
PDFBox Toggle Yes Yes Yes Yes
Caching (enhanced performance) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bot limiting Yes Yes No Yes
Bot creation/editing/deletion Yes Yes Yes Yes
Designer/Preview/Test Yes Yes Yes Yes
Production toggle Yes Yes Yes Yes
Validator Yes Yes Yes Yes
CSV output files Yes Yes Yes Yes
Learning instance import/export Yes Yes No Yes
Default validations for a group Yes Yes No Yes
Adding groups manually Yes Yes No No
CyberArk support Yes No No No
CyberArk support with key rotation Yes No No No
Domain/training features Automation 360 IQ Bot IQ Bot 11.3.x
On-Premises Cloud Community Edition
Web-based UI Yes Yes Yes Yes
Domain import/export Yes Yes No Yes
Hover over text segment to view OCR Yes Yes Yes Yes
Resize mapped box in Designer Yes Yes Yes Yes
Delete mapped box in Designer Yes Yes Yes Yes
Populate text in End of table/section indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Single click to extract text in the Validator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Document group description Yes Yes Yes Yes
See extraction results action displays list of all training documents in an alphanumeric sequence Yes Yes Yes Yes
InstallShield patch installer with simplified upgrade/downgrade for IQ Bot Yes No No Yes
OCR Pre-processing Settings configuration Yes No No No
Extraction/validation features Automation 360 IQ Bot IQ Bot 11.3.x
On-Premises Cloud Community Edition
Original IQ Bot text segmentation/document classifier from IQ Bot Version 5.3.0/6.0 Yes No No Yes
New IQ Bot text segmentation/ document classifier from IQ Bot Version 5.3.1/6.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Option to select classifier version of existing learning instances during IQ Bot upgrade:
  • Version 1 (IQ Bot 5.3.0 or before 6.0)
  • Version 2 (IQ Bot 5.3.1/ Version 6.5 Beta
Yes No No Yes
Enhanced compatibility with ABBYY FineReader Engine 12.2 Plugin Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automated installation of ABBYY FineReader Engine 12.2 Plugin Yes Yes Yes Yes
Validator auto-correction Yes Yes Yes Yes
Check box extraction Yes Yes Yes Yes
Check box auto-detection Yes Yes Yes Yes
Advanced extraction: Repeated tables/sections; linking tables/sections; map some header-less columns Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alternative to stop extraction at End of table/section indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Select text segments that enclose or are enclosed by other text segments Yes Yes Yes Yes
Option to select default training document Yes Yes Yes Yes
Formula validation Yes Yes Yes Yes
List validation in UI Yes Yes Yes Yes
List validation through external file No No No No
File/folder search validator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API (OCR) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Add user logic in the Designer Yes Yes Yes Yes
View and test all documents in the Designer > See extraction results Yes Yes Yes Yes
IQ Bot extensions Yes No No Yes
Import standard form domains Yes Yes No Yes
(Beta) Enabled data capture and OCR using Google Vision API for Asian languages Yes Yes Yes Yes
Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) extraction Yes Yes Yes Yes
Option to turn off PDFBox as OCR engine Yes Yes Yes Yes
Using variables in IQ Bot package Yes Yes Yes No
Extraction results opening in a new browser tab Yes Yes Yes No
IQ Bot standard forms Yes Yes No No
Enterprise features Automation 360 IQ Bot IQ Bot 11.3.x
On-Premises Cloud Community Edition
Access IQ Bot without device license (without Bot Creator or Bot Runner license) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access IQ Bot as Validator users without Bot Creator or Bot Runner license Yes Yes Yes Yes
Database encryption Yes Yes Yes Yes
Roles-based access (RBAC) for new learning instances Yes Yes No Yes
Audit logs Yes Yes No Yes
Windows authentication Yes Yes No Yes
Azure PaaS Database Service Yes No No Yes
Counter for number of uploaded pages in production Yes Yes No Yes
API access Yes Yes Yes Yes
Access IQ Bot without sysadmin role that includes support for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) out of the box Yes No No Yes
Migrate learning instances as other learning instances are being edited Yes Yes No Yes
Migration Utility UI Yes Yes No Yes
Internationalization Yes Yes Yes Yes
UI Localization:
  • Chinese Simplified
  • Chinese Traditional
  • French
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automation 360 packages Automation 360 IQ Bot
On-Premises Cloud Community Edition
Document Classifier package Yes Yes No
IQ Bot [Local Device] package Yes Yes Yes
IQ Bot Pre-processor package Yes Yes Yes
IQ Bot Extractionpackage Yes Yes Yes