Use the task view to filter by status and contributors and find an approval task or reference ID for quick response in Automation Co-Pilot.

The Tasks view offers quick reference of the status and contributors for tasks run in Automation Co-Pilot, including the individual reference ID of the process. At a glance, you can check the responses of an approval task, relevant dates and times, and who is contributing or assigned to a task. Click any of the column headers to sort tasks in ascending or descending order based on the data type of the column.

Image illustrates the Tasks view and relevant columns of data.

Column Data Details
1 Status View what status the task is in to gauge your response.
2 Contributor View the user that contributed to the task for further details or follow up.
3 Reference View the reference ID for identifying specific requests.
4 Create, Updated View dates and times of tasks

To quickly view your tasks that are open, simply select My open tasks and find the task you want to continue working on.Image demonstrates using the My open tasks filter.

Further details on status and notifications can be found in the following topic. Automation Co-Pilot status and notifications