View the history of the changes that have occurred in your Task Bots. You can identify actions performed by other users during a specific date and time along with check-in messages.


You must have either check-in or check-out permissions.

You can view the version history of the Task Bots available in the public workspace (only if there are checked-out bots). However, there is no version history available for new and the cloned Task Bots.

The check-in or the check-out permission is required for the Bot Runner to view the version history. However, note that this permission cannot be used by the Bot Runner to check in or check out bots.


  1. Log in to the Control Room.
  2. On the left pane, click Automation.
    A list of available bots and forms is displayed.
  3. View the version history of Task Bots in the following ways:
    • Select the Task Bots for which you want to view version history. Hover over the actions menu (vertical ellipsis) located to the right of the Task Bots name and click View history Task Bot.
    • Click the bot name. When the bot opens, click the vertical ellipsis at the top-right corner and select the View history Task Bot option.
    A message appears listing all the versions of the selected bot in a sequence (latest revision on the top and the first revision is at the end). The information includes the version number, check-in message, checked-in date and time, and checked-in by username.