When a user creates an OAuth connection in the Manage > OAuth connections section, the user can invite roles to use the connection.

Users who are part of the invited roles can use this connection. When a user uses such a connection in their bots, the user must select the User-specific token type. You can view the list of OAuth connections that you are invited to use from your My Settings page and authenticate the connections to use.


  1. Click your username profile at the lower-left corner of the page, and click My settings.
  2. In the My Settings page, click the OAuth connections tab to view your connections.
  3. Click a connection to authenticate the connection.
    The OAuth connections section provides the following information.
    Option Description
    Filter Filters your connections by either the connection name or the shared token status.
    Search Searches your connections.
    Tip: To search the exact phrase, enclose the search phrase within double quotation marks (for example, "Outlook365-Production").
    Refresh Refreshes and displays the updated status.
    Customize columns Shows or hides specific columns.
    Provider type Shows the provider type.
    Connection name Shows the connection name.
    Shared token status Shows the status of the token. Click Login to re-authenticate to get a new token to use with the OAuth connection. For more information, see Shared token status information.