This example guides you in using the Extract Table Summary Rows and End of table indicator fields to extract one table in a page that contains many tables.


If you have not already done so, create a learning instance and map all the form fields in the Designer. Map a field

In this example, a page in a document contains more than one table, but the objective is to extract only one of the tables. User is in the Designer training a bot, with at least one table having duplicate or similar regions matching those of another table. Extract Table Summary Rows functionality does not impact data extraction irrespective of whether user specifies the End of table indicator value.


  1. Create two tables with similar or duplicate areas. For example, one table with claims total and other with record details related to line number.
  2. Map all table columns related to line number.
  3. Map all value columns without table label, but related to claims total.
    Claim totals table has duplicate or similar areas like another table related to line number. So the billed amount column is a duplicate area for both tables.
  4. Map one column of claims total table with the claims total label, as at least one column label is required for data extraction for a table.
  5. Click on See extraction results to see duplicate rows that have duplicate or similar areas on claims total table. For example, When single page has multiple claim totals records.
  6. Click Back to training to return to the training page.
  7. Navigate to Claim totals table > table settings, and check the box for Extract Table Summary Rows label under Advance Table Options.
  8. Enter value for End of table indicator and click on See extraction results.
  9. User can see rows in claims total table related to claims total only.
  10. Click on Export to CSV to open the file.
  11. User can see table related to claims total extraction, as seen in preview.
  12. Next, set the learning instance, and bot to production and upload some files related to the bot.
    • If the bot does not have any validation errors, the user can see claims total table as per mapping in production CSV file.
    • If the bot has some validation errors, the user can see claims total table as per mapping in the Validator.