Authenticate to get access to your environment. This commonly involves access tokens or API keys.

POST https://{{ControlRoomURL}}/v2/authentication
Header: X-Authorization: <<authentication token>> or Authorization: Bearer <<b
earer token>>

There are two distinct authentication flows for interacting with the API Task real-time endpoint:

1. Bot Developer Authentication (API Task Execution):

This flow allows bot developers to generate a URL and token (Generate Task Execution URL/Token) for executing an API Task (Execute API Task real-time endpoint).

All API calls must contain either an authentication token from Authentication API (generates JSON Web token) or a bearer token from OAuth services. You cannot use both together in an API.

2. Admin Authentication (API Task Allocation):

This authentication is required for administrators to allocate (Create an API Task allocation (admin)) the API Task in the cloud, so that a bot developer will be able to execute the API Task.

Next steps

Create an API Task allocation (admin)