This topic describes configuring the Microsoft Azure OpenAI so that Automation Anywhere Control Room can access it.


Note: The examples and graphics provided on this page are for representation purposes only and may not accurately reflect your specific instance. We do not assume responsibility for their maintenance or accuracy.
Create a developer account in Microsoft Azure OpenAI to copy the login credentials. For information on OpenAI, see the Azure OpenAI Service Documentation.
In addition to the developer account,
  • Make sure you have added the following Azure OpenAI endpoints to the trusted list:
    • https://**.completions
    • https://**.chatCompletions
  • You need to have an Microsoft Azure OpenAI resource. This is a resource that you will use to deploy and manage your models.


  1. Log in to the Microsoft Azure portal and search for Azure OpenAI.
  2. On the Cognitive Services Azure OpenAI page, click Create.
    The Create Azure OpenAI page appears.
  3. Enter or select the following details:Configure Azure OpenAI
    1. Create or select an existing Resource group. A resource group is a collection of resources that share the same lifecycle, permissions, and policies.
    2. Select the Azure region for your specific location. For example, East US.
    3. Enter the Name of your resource. This will also be your custom domain name in your endpoint.
      Note: Your resource name can include alphanumeric characters and hyphens, but cannot start or end with a hyphen.
    4. Select a Pricing tier.
  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Create Azure OpenAI, Network page, select All networks, including the internet, can access this resource.
  6. Click Next.
  7. On the Create Azure OpenAI, Tags page, you can create tags. For more information, see Using tags to organize Azure resources and management hierarchy. No tags are created in this example.
  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Create Azure OpenAI, Review+Submit page, review all the information and click Create.
    Azure OpenAI ConfigureYou can view status messages such as initiating deployment and submitting deployment. After the Azure OpenAI service is successfully initialized and deployed, the Your deployment is complete message displays at the top of the page.
  10. Click Go to Resource to view the app details.Azure OpenAI Go to Resource
  11. In the left navigation, under Resource Management, click Keys and Endpoint.Azure OpenAI Keys and Endpoint
  12. Click Show Keys.
  13. Copy the API Key (in the first key field) and the Endpoint.
  14. Click Model deployments and then click Manage Deployments to navigate to the Azure OpenAI studio where you can create and deploy models. For more information on deploying a model, see Deploy a model.
  15. Copy the Model you deployed.

Next steps