Perform exploratory mining to discover processes across an open dataset. You can narrow the results by observer, application, or screen signature. This approach might yield multiple processes, each with different start and end points.


Create a mining run where you can specify time frame, observer, application, and screen signatures.

Note: When you run a basic mining run the Mining Type (visual output) is a Flow Graph. For Advanced mining runs, the Mining Type by default is Flow Graph, but you can select Path or Butterfly.

  1. Navigate to Data > Mining Runs.
  2. Click New and provide the following information:
    Field Description
    Observed at The start and end dates and times for the recorded steps to include in this mining run.
    Observers Select All, Include, or Exclude.
    If you select Include or Exclude, use the Observers from tag menu to select observers by tag or the Select observers to select observers by device name.
    Note: Observer tags are created by an admin and are used to identify a team, such as payroll or recruiting.
    Applications Select All, Include, or Exclude.
    If you select Include or Exclude, use the Applications from tag menu to select applications by tag or the Select applications to select applications by name.
    Note: Application tags are created by an admin and are used to identify a grouping, such as payroll or recruiting.
    Start screen signature The screen signature is a descriptive name assigned to each recorded screen. You can view and search for screen signatures from the Data > Events tab.
    Stop screen signature
  3. Click Create & Run.
    Process Discovery performs the mining run. The length of time necessary to complete the mining run depends on the size of the data set. When the mining run is complete, it appears in the Data > Mining Runs page.

Next steps

Review the processes identified by the mining run. See Analyze and prioritize processes.