- Updated: 2022/04/27
A pattern helps define an acceptable format for data.
Validate data in the field or table column against a specific pattern. While defining the field or column in the Design view, specify a pattern of the data in the selected field.
Specify a pattern for date, number, or text fields based on the different available patterns. Reference the tables below for common examples:
Field | Pattern | Notes | Description |
Number string |
This regular expression validates a string with numbers 0 - 9 and limit length to 45. | The Number string field supports regular expressions. |
Auto Correction for date and number fields
This is one of the built-in features of IQ Bot for date and number format types. It performs automatic validation and correction based on the defined pattern , even when the date/number in the scanned document is incorrect.
The following table illustrates the auto-correction of an incorrect date and numbers by IQ Bot.
Incorrect OCR value | Pattern | Auto-Correction | Description | |
12 F3B 2 0 1 5 15 10-2015 |
dd mmm yyyy dd-mm-yyyy |
12 FEB 2015 15-10-2015 |
In the first example, IQ Bot auto corrects incorrect OCR "F3B" to "FEB". In the second example, IQ Bot auto corrects "15 10-2015" to"15-10-2015". |
123 4567 12.34,S67.12 |
9999999 99,99,999.00 |
1234567 1234567.12 |
In the first example, the extra space between "3" and "4" is deleted after validation against the pattern. In the second example, the alphabet "S" is corrected as "5". |
To use this feature, add Pattern (in validation options) to the selected date and number format fields.
Special number patterns
- Prefix: Any symbol or a text string that is appended before the Number Pattern.
- Suffix: Any symbol or a text string that is appended after the Number Pattern.
Number Pattern: Number pattern has two parts:
They are represented by nines (9s).
The 9s in the integer part represents integer pattern and separators such as commas, spaces, and so on.
Fractional part
They are represented by zeros.
If you need two fractional number, then it will be represented by two zeros.
Specifying fractional part is optional.
Format of numbers defined for validating numeric data.
IQ Bot supports prefixes and suffixes to make processing and validation of data easier. Specifying a suffix and prefix in the pattern and in the numeric fields is optional. Even if you do not specify the suffix or prefix, IQ Bot auto corrects and includes the required currency symbols and units of measure for the numeric fields as prefix or suffix. If you specify the currency symbols and units of measurements in the pattern and in the numeric data, IQ Bot deletes the currency symbol and unit of measure from the data.
Note: IQ Bot automatically recognizes these currency symbols:$, ¥, £, ₹, €, Rs, USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP,
. We recommend specifying valid currency symbols in the data.
IQ Bot supports prefixes and suffixes to make processing and validation of data easier. Specifying a suffix and prefix in the pattern and in the numeric fields is optional. Even if you do not specify the suffix or prefix, IQ Bot auto corrects and includes the required currency symbols and units of measure for the numeric fields as prefix or suffix. If you specify the currency symbols and units of measurements in the pattern and in the numeric data, IQ Bot deletes the currency symbol and unit of measure from the data.
$, ¥,
£, ₹, €, Rs, USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP,
and INR
. We
recommend specifying valid currency symbols in the data.Examples of special number patterns
Special date patterns
Supported date separators include /(forward slash), –(dash), space, .(dot), and ,(comma).
- d - Numeric day of the month, from 1 through 31 (eg. 5, 15 etc.)
- dd - Numeric day of the month, from 01 through 31 (eg. 05, 15 etc.)
- m - Numeric month (eg. 1 for January)
- mm - Numeric month (eg. 01 for January)
- mmm - First 3 letters of the month (eg. NOV for November)
- mmmm - Full name of the month (eg. June)