Join items action in List
- Updated: 2024/01/22
Join items action in List
The Join items action enables you to combine all the available values in a list variable and store the output to a string variable.
Combines all the available values in a list variable and stores the output to a string variable. You can specify the delimiter you want to use as a separator in the output.
- Select the list variable that you want to use from the List variable list.
- Specify the delimiter you want to use to separate values in the output in the
Delimiter field.
The Join items action is used to join the given variable, like string/list, to a string by separating each element by a delimiter/separator. When you use special characters such as Carriage Return (\r) or Line Feed (\n), the bot will not automatically convert \r\n to a new Line. It will just join with \r\n character with each item in the list.
Consider this example,
A list item is 1 2 3 4, and if we apply delimiter comma (,), the output will be 1,2,3,4, whereas if you use delimiter CR (\r), the output will be as 1CR2CR3CR4.
- Select a variable that you want to use to store the output from the Assign the output to variable list.